chapter 26 - He's dead?

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After Dick Took down the guards he entered the room. And there he found a little girl 5 years old? and she had a stuffed princess doll in her hands.

She pushed herself against the bed frame and covered her eyes at the sight of him.

"hey hey it's okay," He said as he closed the door behind him.

He got closer and the girl squealed "远离!" (Stay Away!)

His eyes widen of course she didn't know English.

"没关系,我是超级英雄" (It's okay, I'm a superhero)

At the sound of her native language, she took a peek at him.

(Your father, Tāo sent me to rescue you) The girl's eyes widen.

suddenly there were loud noises of gunfire, she flinched and hid again.

(Listen, you like a princess right? well, I'm your knight here to save you. so if you want to go back to your dad you have to listen to me)

The girl nodded and went to him. He ripped part of the blanket of the bed and he showed it to her.

(Out there is pretty scary so I'm going to cover your eyes. Is that okay?)

The girl nodded. He tied the blindfold around her and picked her up. (make sure you hold on tightly)

her legs wrapped around his torso and her arms wrapped around his neck. he opened the door and looked if the hallway was clear (see it's just like you are riding a horse)

As he ran through the corridors he started to see Slade's doing as he saw men dead on the floor. Blood splattered on the wall and- he shook his head he had to get out of here first. Getting out was easy. He crossed the street and went into an abandoned building. This was going to be a bad idea but he had to do this because he couldn't leave Slade behind.

(Princess, I need to leave you here okay?)

(But it's scary here)

Dick took out a communicator (if you want to talk to me or if there is something wrong just press this button and I'll speak to you)

(why are you leaving me here?)

(because a friend is still in that horrible place so please don't move from here)

The girl nodded (Okay but please come back soon)

Dick smiled (I will)

Dick went back and he followed the sounds of fighting all the way to the roof.

There he found Sade fighting off an assassin. But at the sight of him, Slade got distracted and that was enough time for the assassin to grab his gun and shoot Slade.


He didn't care about the assassin still being there, he went straight to Slade's body.

"No NO NO, please don't leave me!" Things were different now, Slade wasn't his enemy, he was family perhaps more...He should have been here sooner- he failed him. Tears began to run down his cheeks.

The gun was cocked "You must be an apprentice to Deathstroke"

"Deathstroke?" He whispered to himself. So this is who Slade really was the most dangerous man in the world and not just another smart criminal?

Dick tighten his grip on Slade's body, That didn't matter to him.

"well I'll get a raise today not only did I kill Deathstroke but I will soon kill his apprentice but first-Were is the girl you took"

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