Chapter 15- Arcade 2

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After getting a few pointers from Slade he was fully invested in the games. One of the games that he played was called Zombie hoard, it made them work together in order to survive. And he was actually having fun.

"watch out on your left" Slade said.

"I got the Fire boost I'm going to roast them"

"not bad, you haven't died yet" Slade shot another zombie.

"Hehe But you have-"

"only because I had to save you" Slade grumbled.

They managed to get to level 7 until they both died.

"what's next?" Dick said enthusiastically, when he realized how he sounded he coughed and said "whatever"

"why don't we go get some food? Pizza?"

Dick nodded, "go to get a booth for us and I"ll get the food" Dick made his way to the booth and sat down. He looked around and realized that now could be his chance to escape or write a note for someone else to find. He took a napkin and asked someone behind him if he had a pen.

He then began to write, "Call the Titans, Robin was here, help escape," He wrote the titans phone number, that's when the news anchor said a familiar name.

"-Today The Titans defeated Gorrilla Grodd saving the city from destruction again. Ever since the disappearance of Jump city's favorite hero, Robin,  The Titans became disorganized without their leader. Until now, they have kept up the pace and when asked what happened to their Leader they all reply with "no comment-"

Dick sighs in relief, so they managed to keep the city safe, "In other news, the disappearance of Robin might have just been solved as some theorist say that Robin has gone back to Gotham city-"

Dick stood up, "WHAT?!" He didn't care if people were looking at him.

"Their proof? well take a look at this footage," The Tv shows a boy in a Robin costume fighting alongside Batman, his suit is much darker than Robin's original suit, the cape no longer had yellow on the inside nor did it have the green boots and gloves, it was all black except for his red vest and The Robin Symbol being yellow, "People have been saying that Robin has been back at Gotham City this whole time and it's only now that we've been able to capture him on video"

Dick crunched up him SOS note. 'So he replaced me? does he not know I was taken? did the Titans even contact him? and if they did, Did he even care? NO! Robin was mine! and only mine, I created him, My mother gave me that name!' Dick was feeling betrayed, anger and mostly robbed as that was his name and now some brat was out there wearing his mask.

Dick's anger suddenly left him "well he's not some brat if He decided he was worthy to fight alongside him" He whispered to himself. He wanted to cry, let the tears out and scream but he had more important things to worry about, He watched as Slade made his way over to him. He shoved the SOS napkin in his pocket but it fell out anyways.

"2 Pepperoni pizzas and two cokes"

Robing took a big breath "Let's get to the point, Slade why are you doing this?"

"I don't know what you mean" he took a bite out of his pizza.

"Why are you...nice?"

Slade looks straight at Dick's eyes. "Will talked to me about how I was handling you and How my way of trying to make this relationship work was failing"

Dick crossed his arms "He got that right"

"Which is why I want to promise this, I will no longer hit you" Dick narrowed his eyes. "How can I trust that you'll keep your word"

"You'll just have to and I have reconsidered another way of punishment"

Dick raised his brow "which is?"

"you'll find out" the smirk made him uneasy, Slade noticing chuckled "Do not worry It will not be painful nor will it be me threatening your friends' lives"

"But why now?"

Slade rolled his eye, "is it so hard to believe that I want our relationship to work?-"

"Yeah, you almost beat me to death multiple times last moth"

"Let me finish!- I want to be your mentor, someone you can look up to even if it's hard for you to see that now. I don't plan for us to always be fighting but in the future, I hope we can reach a level of trust, understanding, and loyalty. Richard when I first saw you fight as Robin, you were extraordinary. Never Have I seen someone with such skill and potential and you are so special that no one could surpass you. When I saw you I thought to myself it would be Nice to have Robin as my partner and not as my slave but as my Equal"

Dick's breath hitches, it was be wanted...but Dick looked down at his food "You want me even if I'm no longer Robin?"

"what do you mean?"

Robin pointed at the Tv and Slade looked up "he surpassed me" Dick whispered

"Batman never truly appreciated you, and yes Richard I still want you because- Look at me Richard" Dick looked up.

"Robin doesn't define you, It is you who I wanted all along not Robin, Robin is just a mask" Dick didn't know what to feel, his face became flushed and he never met anyone who wanted him so much before.

"I'm not asking you to forgive me for what I did last month and I don't expect us to hold hands and walk off to the sunset but all I'm telling you now is that I will..make the effort to change......To make this work"

Dick didn't know what to say or what to feel anymore, he was so overwhelmed by all the information he had received today that he wanted to pass out.

"You don't have to say anything now, just eat" And that's what he did, he ate.

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