Chapter 19- Police Station

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Dick wanted to scream, this must be some sort of joke to Slade to show him how trapped he is, He was walking with Slade into a Police station, surrounded by authorities that could help him but Slade-he glances sideways- still has that controller strapped on his wrist.

"Hello I'm looking for Mr. Ryarson" Slade asked the Lady up on front.

"Officer Ryarson?" The lady picked up a phone and said "Sir someone is looking for you" And it took just a few minutes for this "Ryarson" to come out.

A black officer came and stood before them "Slade?" he chuckled, "is that really you?"

Slade hugged the man "it's good to see you man, I see that you got some weight on"

The man laughed "man you've changed so much but you still the same bastard huh?"

Dick was surprised 'Slade being friends with a cop?' he thought. How was this supposed tell him about his past? unless Slade wanted this man to tell him about his past.

"and who on earth is this fella?" Officer Ryarson turned to Dick.

Dick said nothing as he didn't know how Slade wanted him to present himself.

"This is my nephew, Gray" Slade introduced "Dick". Dick chuckled at the name, Slade had used the first 4 letters of his last name.

"I didn't know you had a nephew, well son it's nice to meet you." He turns back to Slade.

"So after all these years you decided to show up again why?"

Slade rubbed the back of his neck "I wanted to re-contact you, you see I'm having trouble with my nephew since he's in his rebellious teen years and that's when I remember you-"

Dick glared at Slade and frowned at Slade.

"You are just such a good man and started to think..why did we ever part? So I thought maybe he can learn from good people like cops and I thought you could set his mind straight while...having a little fun"

Officer Rayarson liked where this was going "what kind of fun?"

"I was hoping you could take him to the Jump city's police shooting range, where cops do practice"

Dick froze, that asshole so this is how he plans to teach me how to kill he broke his promise minutes after I poured my soul out to him. Dick wanted to rip the man apart.

Officer Ryarson heartly laughed "But Slade I know you are an amazing shooter why don't you teach him"

Slade smiled as he placed a hand of Dick's shoulder "He doesn't want to listen to me, he thinks I'm...what is it that you kids say nowadays?.. not lit?"

The Officer shook his head "man it's so much better to just use the word "Lame" but alright let's go to the shooting range, come with me" Slade and Dick followed the man deeper inside the police station until they arrived at this shooting range located in the basement.

"Now stay here I'll be right back" Ryarson left and Dick quickly turned to Slade.


"quiet boy there are cameras in here" Slade hissed.

"you said that I wouldn't learn to.."

Slade got to Dick's eye level "I said I wouldn't teach you to...Kill but I never said I wouldn't teach you to use a gun, think of this as an introduction to our Gun lecture that will be coming up soon" Slade whispered. Dick wanted to slap himself-

"well I go the guns an ammunition" Ryarson came back.

"well I'm going to leave you two here as I get Lunch for everyone..Gray you know what not to do"  Slade lightly warned, the officer didn't notice.

"Alright, kid have you ever been at a shooting range before?" Dick shook his head.

"okay first you need to put protection put on this vest and these glasses. Dick did what he was told. "and these headphones will protect your ears when you shoot but you'll put these on when we start shooting" The officer grabbed a gun and showed it to Dick who fidgets when it got close to him.

"now look at me in the eye and listen to what I have to say" Dick lifted his eyes from the gun to look at the Officer. "This!- 'he points at the gun'- Is a very dangerous object! it's powerful and it has the power to take people's lives! it should not be treated as a toy"

The Officer's harsh words made Dick flinch.

"But! it has the power to also save lives" His voice softens.  "and having the skill to wield it is let me give you some rules, First treat your gun as if it's loaded-"

Dick listen carefully to all of what the Officer had to say and he had many questions so after the Officer was done going over the rules of gun safety he asked him "But when an officer shoots down a criminal and kills him, is that not fair for him? does he not deserve a second chance?"

The Officer took a deep breath "son in this world we are going to face many hard decisions and sometimes we have to do what is right, every time I shoot my gun I recognize the consequences it comes with it but I will gladly shoot my gun to stop a criminal. Shooting someone doesn't always mean killing them, I always try to do everything in my power to avoid death but sometimes you are faced with the decision to take the shot because it's either them or the innocent people around them" The officer went towards a chair and sat down and Dick followed.

"In one case I was faced with this mas killer and rapist who had been keeping children in cages as if they were animals he had to threaten to blow the whole warehouse with my team and the children in it and without a second thought I fired my gun and shot him in the head"

Dick's eyes widen. "but it's not fair..." He whispered.

"what for him? well it's not fair for the children either, if I hadn't used the gun he would have killed 30 children and my team and that's more blood on my hands then just him"

Dick looked down at his feet. "but do the killings ever pile up and start to change you?"

"to some people it does but-" The officer chuckled "kid it's not like we're killing criminals left and right! I've only killed 2 criminals in my 5-year service and that's because I didn't have a choice the other times it's just me shooting them non fatally to stop them. Listen the more you think of this object as another way to save people it will change the way you see it"

Dick slowly nodded "I- I understand"

The Officer then folded his arms "so wanna tell me what's going between you and Slade?" Dick froze and he felt a drop of sweat roll dow his forhead.


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