Chapter 27- Missing!

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Batman received a call from the Titans about Slade striking again.  He looked at the crime scene through his computer, the weirdest thing was a pair of eyes that the police had found one of them were squished.

"Any evidence that he was with him" Wintergreen came closer to the computer.

"Not yet, the cameras in the building where hacked so it shows nothing" Batman began to quickly hack the surveillance cameras of nearby buildings. One of them gave a clear shot of the roof of that base.

They watched and she saw a man shooting at Slade, He went down and that's when a smaller figure dressed in black appeared.

Wintergreen gasped "Dick? could that be?"

The figure went straight to where Slade body was and since it was dark one could not tell what he was doing.

"It has to be him" Batman crossed his fingers and leaned closers to the screen.

what shocked them was when Dick grabbed the man and threw him on the ground to just pull out a gun and shoot him.

Batman sighs "we knew this day would come"

"Did he kill him?!"Wintergreen asked the video was too dark to see if the figure was moving.

Dick took out a blade and bent down. Then the man stood up and left.

"well at least we know where the eyes came from" Batman growled.

"Bruce at least he didn't kill him as we thought just a second ago" Bruce stood up "But he did just shot and gouged that man's eyes"

"he's not in his right man being with that man now 3 months  could do a lot to a child"

Batman stood up "so do I keep looking for him to bring to justice or-"

"are you out of your mind?!" Wintergreen came up to Bruce and yanked the cowl off "is that cowl too tight on your Bruce?! Remember the boy ran away from this home because we - more like you must have done something wrong as a parent and as a guardian. Going after that boy just to put him in jail for "Justice" is wrong! You should go find him, give him therapy and bring him the Justice he deserved"

Bruce sighs "you are right sorry-"

"Batman! problem at the base, come immediately" Superman called.

Batman put the cowl on and ran out towards the portal.

-At the JLA base-

"what's wrong?"

"Something has happened, Leaguers are going missing" Superman greeted him with the bad news.

"How is this happening?" Batman asked as they walked towards the meeting room.

"It started with Diana, She hasn't responded since yesterday and Black Canary has just disappeared today"

"could this be related to Deathstroke?" Green Lanter asked as they entered the meeting room.

"We can't know that," Batman says. The leaguers all worried were looking at Batman for answers.

There was a sudden emergency call and it was..



Superman eyes widen "Stand by! we'll send backup what's your location!"

But the video call ended suddenly.

Batman quickly went to check the location of the call "It appears he's in the Sahara desert, Superman, Flash you two should go check it out but be careful if these "aliens" Are capable of taking down Shazam then they can take you down."

"could those Aliens be responsible for Dianna's Black Canary's disappearance?" Manhunter asked.

"Could be and If so Justice league might be under attack, We can be targeted so be careful"

Superman and Flash quickly left hoping they could still reach Shazam on time but...

they found nothing.

"What could be attacking us?"

Meanwhile, at the Titan's hideout, the friends all sat around the Tv eating Pizza and watching a movie.

Starfire's orbs engraved on her gloves began to shine and beep.

"What's that?" Raven asked.

"Oh! My family calls me! A second is all I ask for" She stood up and flew out of the room.

She pressed it and a hologram of a large man appeared "Good news the plan is working nicely"


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