Chapter 3- Teen Titans?

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The three now stared at Starfire the new member of the team, she was an alien princess who apparently had been captured by these hunters who wanted to kill her. She said it was because the hunters had a grudge on her people. But that does not stop the fact that she had almost killed them all in the beginning, throwing cars at them.

One minute she was shooting at Robin the next she was making out with him

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One minute she was shooting at Robin the next she was making out with him. But after that kiss, she miraculously just started to speak English.  Now calm, she is serious and her moods are unpredictable just like when they met her. She would stare at all the human technology with a cold stare and would sometimes growl at things she didn't understand.

Anyhow, Robin when he had them all together he brought them to his secret layer. It was a nice heavily guarded building disguised as a condo. That had its own gym, multiple bedrooms, a weapons room, and its own swimming pool.

"WOW! This is amazing!" Beast Boy ran up to the living room which had the largest tv he'd ever seen.

"Dude is this all for us?" Cyborg marveled at the large kitchen"

"Yeah, there are multiple rooms which you all get to choose which one is yours and feel free to decorate it as you please."

Raven crossed her arms "but there must be a catch for can't just hand us everything"

He smiled "yes I can Raven, this place can be your chance to live a normal life, I can help you guys find jobs and go to school"

Beast boy gasped "I HAVE A EVEN BETTER IDEA!"

They all turned to the boy as he took out a notepad out of nowhere and on it was a drawing of them all wearing purple suits.

"We can be a team and wear the same costumes and have our own logo!"

Raven frowned and immediately said no.

"We can be called....the fantastic five! Or the weird teens..OH I GOT IT!, TEEN TITANS!'

Cyborg smiled "I kind of like that idea but scratch the wearing the same costume things.

Raven shook her head "you can't be possibly thinking of fighting crime"

"Why not? Robin does it" Beast boy pointed at him

Everyone turned to Robin who lifted his arms in defense "I actually want to stop being Robin, and try to live a normal life"

That's when Beats boy rolled his eyes "You get the privilege to do that, I can use makeup to look more human but that won't change the fact that I'm different and I will be hiding the thing that I love most and even if you two," he points at Raven and Cyborg "hate what you are, nothing will change the fact that you are different and Starfire....well she's a freaking ALIEN, how do you plan to integrate her into earth's society? Instead of trying to be what we are not why don't we come together and be a group where we can use the abilities we have, to do good...and in a way this could help us with our self conscious thoughts about ourselves and about who we are"

Beast boy hugs himself "And I hope that in a way we can all become a family, something that I'm guessing no one has had the chance to have or have not had it in a while"

Everyone was quiet and shocked at beastboy words. Starfire had left behind a bookshelf that she was examining and walked straight to beast boy.

"You, green child have shown much wisdom and I will be an honor to be part of family" he then leans in and hugs him.

"Wow, that's the nicest thing you've said all day," beast boy says.

Robin sighs, "I guess you are right I can't just help you make you normal if you all don't feel comfortable with yourselves, especially since some of you don't know how to control your powers"

Cyborg clasp his hands together "everyone in favor of being called TEEN TITANS say I"

Everyone said "I" except Raven

"Raven if you don't want to be part of this it's okay" Cyborg said.

Raven grabbed Robin's arm. "Can we talk for a second?"

Robin nodded and she brought him to a random room.

"I-I don't think I can do it- I-I can kill them. I can kill you" Robin could see the worry and the fear in her eyes.

"I can't control my powers right and I will only bring you all trouble...especially since those people are still chasing me..."

Robin put a hand on her shoulder "you being able to kill us all is a fact but- you won't. I will take full responsibility for training you and you don't have to worry about going through this alone, we'll figure it out" she smiled.

"Alright, lets this lame group started" Raven smiled and both went out to tell the team.

When Beast boy heard the news he jumped in the air "YES! Now all we need is a giant T tower on an island"

Everyone turned to him "NO!"

TEEN TITANS! (A Dick Grayson Story)Where stories live. Discover now