Chapter 29- Part Three- Trip to Nepal

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( I decided to make it 4 Parts, This is told Between the point of view of a monk and Dick)

The outsiders had somehow miraculously survived all the traps they had set up. They've had an eye on them for a while and they had all prepared for their arrival. When they passed through the temple's gates they were met with a young boy with black hair and blue eyes and a tall man with one eye and white hair.

"What brings you here stranger" He speaks, not moving from his meditative pose.

"I come seeking knowledge of the Parivartana, Changer Blades" The boy spoke perfect Nepali and he lifted up a book that looked familiar.

"What makes you think that we'll teach you what we know?"

The boy smiled "Because it is written that your ways are to teach all who are strong of wills and strong in hearts and my trip here is one of the many trials I need to face in order to achieve the knowledge of the blades "

The monk smiled this boy was stubborn one "and this man that accompanies you? is he your father?"

Both look at each other and another second passed until the boy confidently said "Yes he is" The Monk didn't miss the surprised look on the man nor that sight happiness that came after it.

"Then we'll provide you rooms and you'll have to obey our rules or else you will be kicked out outsiders" Both noded and The Monk turned to a young man beside him "Show them to their rooms"

He watched them go, this could prove interesting.


"Can't the boy sleep in my room?" Slade asked.

"Rules are rules if he's going to go through the trials then he must share the room with the others who are seeking knowledge."

Slade rolled his eye "Anything happens you come to me" Dick nodded "Don't worry they seem nice"

"I don't trust them-"

"Slade you don't trust anyone" Slade hit him in the head "No names"

"OH right" He turned to the young Monk "alright where do I go?"

"come with me" He followed him to this large room where there were 10 bunk beds, all the boys who were sitting or laying on them turned to look at him. They all had their heads shaved and wore yellow clothes.

"this is your bed, you'll have time to introduce yourself" The monk left the room.

"Okay, Hi I'm Ri-" one boy shushed him. "no names are allowed to be said here"

another boy crossed his arms "Don't you know outsider you're to be given a name first"

"I know that I just..Keep forgetting" Dick sat down at his bed.

"Do you all have names yet?"

"No one here does, we are all new to this, trials begin soon."

"Just quick question how many people pass the test?"

"one or 2 every 4 years"

"wow, then this must be hard, what happens if you lose?" All the boys looked at each other.

"If you don't die in the trials you are to remain here forever"

Dick eyes widen "WHAT? and you all knew this coming into here?!" The boys nodded.

"Didn't you?" one asked.

"Uh- hehe-" Shit, that all Dick thought.

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