Chapter 31- Part Four- The Betrayal

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Batman felt like his head was going to explode, The Justice League was being attacked and their only clue had been Shazam screaming that they were "Aliens". It's been another month with no activity of Slade or Dick, His only clue now is a man has recently appeared. He works for Slade calling himself Karasu, He never kills his enemies but leaves them crippled, disabled or paralyze. That had to be Dick who else is working with Slade so closely?

Now with the justice league problem, he had put tracking devices on each leaguer and had suggested for everyone to be partnered up, as being alone is not an option. The young justice had to be put on hold as they didn't know if they'd be attacked as well.

The Titans so far were okay and the nanobots never had been activating proving his theory right that Dick must have done everything that Slade had asked of him.

Right now the leaguers that have gone missing are Black Canary, Wonderwoman, Captain Marvel, Green Arrow, Martian, Doctor Fate, Green Lantern and Aquaman.

So the only ones left where Superman, Flash, Red Tornado, Hawk man, Hawkwoman, and of course himself.

He had to put Dick to the side for a second after all he seemed content to be with Slade and focus on the Justice League.

A sudden alarm went off a large monster was attacking New York City. Superman and Flash went to fight it off, Hawkman went to evacuate the area. Batman stayed at the Batcave overseeing the whole fight at his cave.

"I'm sending my missiles" Batman pressed a button. And his Missiles his the creature but it did nothing to it.

"Batman I'll try to fly him into space," Superman said. But before he could do anything Batman watched as the creature opened it's mouth and sucked superman and Flash in.

"Hawk man! Hawk woman retreat!" He called at them but they attacked and the creature swallowed them as well.

Batman stood up "I need to get there!" He told himself but the computer announced that the attacker had disappeared.

Batman couldn't believe it, what was going on? why did he feel so helpless?


Dick's hands shook as he stood right outside Titans hideout. He had to talk to them, and Slade had allowed it.

He opened the door and walked in, he found Cyborg and Beastboy in the kitchen fighting over veggies and meat.

Raven and Starfire were talking to each other.

"EHEM!" he cleared his throat and the group turns to him.

Beast boy dropped the bowl in his hand and it shattered as it hit the floor.

"Robin?" Cyborg asked.

"is that you man?" Beastboy took a step forward.

"You came back" Raven smiled.

Robin opened his arms "Hehe-I guess I'm back"

Starfire was the first one to slam into him.


"Hi star," he said softly as he buried his face in her shoulder.

The rest of the team then knocked them to the ground in a big group hug.

"MAN YOU ESCAPED?!" Cyborg asked between laughs.

"What of the nanobots?" Raven asked.

Robin smiled "No need to worry about that he got rid of them."

Raven stood up and dusted off her cape.

"Then how did you escape?" Raven asked

"I didn't, I decided to stay with Slade"

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