Chapter 8- Blackmailing

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"Hey Raven, Uh I got you something," Beast boy said, entering the living room. Raven was floating mid-air reading a book. He brought the object from behind his back and shoved into her hands making her drop her book.

"A chicken?"

"yeah I saw it at this store and I thought you'd like it"

With no emotion, she said "I must be the luckiest girl alive"

"TITANS!" Robin yelled and everyone went towards the large screen.

"We know we've been attacked by this villain called Slade, he's left clues around but we have yet to discover his plan-"

The screen behind Robin turned on and Slade appeared.

"Hello Robin"

Everyone took a step back. "Man what you want tin man!" Cyborg said.

Slade chuckled "say's the boy who's 89 percent metal rather than flesh?" Cyborg shrunk back and Robin stepped in.

"What do you want?"

"Since you have not discovered my plan I will just have to tell you, Robin," Behind him, his men removed a blanket from this large object.

"This right here is a bomb, I plan to bow the whole city and if you aren't careful Robin, Blood will be on your hands"

Robin's eye twitched and the screen went black.

"How do we attack friend Robin?" Starfire asked.

"Cyborg analyze the footage and see if we can match the surroundings with a place" Cyborg saluted "On it man!"

after a few clicks Cyborg found something. "it appears it's locked in one of Jump city's sewers"

"Glorious! let's go defeat the enemy" Starfire twirls around.

"TO the T car!" cyborg starts running.

"Stop calling it the T car, it's a horrible name"

"no it's not Raven," Beast boy told her.

Robin smiled but deep within he knew this was going to be some sort of trap.

They arrived at the sewers and they immediately were surrounded by Slade's men, what was strange was that their weapons didn't hurt them so it was easy to defeat them all.

Robin at the corner of his eye saw Slade enter through a secret passage and he looked at his team who were now busy trying to stop the bomb 'They'll be fine' He thought as he ran towards the secret passage.

He was surprised when the door closed behind him, he took out his bo staff and slowly made his way deeper into this large room.

That's when he saw him "Slade" he hissed.

Slade placed a controller on the floor. "This device is the only thing to stop the bomb," He ready himself to fight.

"Come and get it, Robin"

Robin yelled and attacked him, Slade stepped to the side and grabbed the back of his cape and threw him to the side. "we'll have a lot of work to do with you"

"I don't know what you are talking about" Robin got up. He closed his eyes and thought of Batman's training and waited from Slade to walk up to him.

'Deadly and swift' He thought. He struck Slade, punching him in the gut and Robin put all his concentration on the man not letting him breathe, not one bit.

Both fought hand to hand and Slade's eyes widen as the boy was keeping up with him.

"yes Robin, this is why you interest me so much! you're remarkable and capable to fight dirty."

Throwing Slade to the ground Robin grabbed the controller. "it's over Slade"

Slade laughed and got up "No Robin it is not" The controller self-destructed and Slade took out another controller. Large screens around Robin turned on and the bodies of 4 people appeared.

"what is this?" He breathed out.

"these are your friends, probes run through their blood system, with the press of this button I could destroy them"

Robin could not believe this.

"it's been a while since I have been looking for an apprentice"

Robin pointed at him "No way would I work for you"

But Slade waved the controller around. "If you swear to serve me, if you never speak to your friends again I will allow them to live but.."

He got closer to Robin "if you disobey, I will kill them Robin and I will make you watch"

Robin couldn't do anything but to accept what he's being forced to do.

become Slade's apprentice, become a criminal. His worst nightmare.

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