Chapter 37- Stuck With a Brute

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"You should of let me Fly!" Slade yelled at the man who was now taking off his burnt cape.

"Bat-Plane is only for Batman and I wasn't going to let a criminal fly my own ship"

Slade kicked some debris away "Well your flying got us into this mess"

Batman looked around the jungle lands of Tamaran, They had barely made it to its atmosphere before they were detected and shot down.

He checked his wrist and looked towards the north "were 4,682 kilometres from the city so we have to move quickly before they send a patrol after us"

"4,682 kilometres?! you are mad if you think we'll walk all that way. Why don't we don't we wait for the patrol to come here and we steal one of their ships?"

Batman just stared at him

"what? afraid to admit that the world's greatest detective isn't smart enough to think of that plan?"

"I was already thinking of it"

Slade rolled his eye.

So the two waited behind a bush and both refused to talk, they just sat there.

Slade was surprised when it was Batman who broke the silence. "did you brainwash him?"

Slade chuckled "You mean Dick? no, I did not. I started to realize that showing the kid some proper love was enough to change his mind"

"You know I don't believe that"

"believe what you want but Dick sees me more as a father than you ever were and I've only been with him for 5 months. It doesn't take a genius to know what he wants"

Batman looked at Slade with a frown "But with that information, you still manipulated him to do your bidding"

Slade growled "I didn't force him to do anything! it was his choice to join me! if anything it was you who drove him into this mess"

Batman narrowed his eyes "Excuse me, I didn't kidnap him and torture him"

"No, but you were a neglectful piece of shit that demanded too much of him! He believed that if he stayed with you any longer he was going to become you! a man that doesn't spare any emotions for others, who believes that the mission comes first before any other earthly attachments. The man that made him feel alone in the world and whose only escape was the young justice but you- YOU took that away from him too when he "failed" in a mission. That boy deserves the world, I might have hurt him in the beginning but I'm making an effort to fix what I did! but you? not only did you drive him away but you drove your knife deeper into his heart by replacing him with another Robin. You knew what that name meant to him, he told me that he would have been okay if you had used another name but by using his name it was almost as if you were trying to erase him from existence as if he was a mistake. But he isn't a mistake, and he'll do more good in his life than you ever did and what's ironic is that a villain will be right by his side helping him"

Both were glaring at each other and Slade was really restraining himself from attacking batman.

"I-" Batman didn't get a chance to say anything as Tamaran ships arrived at the wrecked Bat-ship.

"try to focus on the mission Batman you don't want to screw up again," Slade said as he took out his katana.

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