Chapter 34- Duel? What?

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Dick scratch his neck, the purple suit he had on was very uncomfortable, He wished he had his knives, with them he could paralyze these people and escape but something kept him from running. He looked at the bracelets that kept him from running away, Star had told him it would shock him to death if he ran. He then looked at Star who was commanding generals, soldiers in what they call "the battle room" Turns out she was in charge of a small fleet that is taking over Asia.

His mouth went dry when he saw the casualties and the death "Good job, we've taken Indian and what they call the middle east, retreat, we will attack tomorrow after we've recovered" The simulation of the battle on earth stopped and she stepped down from her platform.

She turns to Dick with a smile "I'm starving let's go eat at the gardens, Karasu" She ignored his glaring and took Dick by the hand and lead him outside.

"Star can you please think about what we talked about? You have to stop this war, this invasion"

Star puffed her chest "I'm sorry about the many deaths but this could have been avoided if they had surrendered, I will provide aid to the humans once this is all over" She turns to Dick "So Please, can we not talk about this and enjoy lunch?"

Dick looked away "Not when my home, my planet is being attacked"

She leads him to the gardens and there was a table already set out, The table was under a tree that looked much like the willow tree on earth and it was surrounded by fluorescent flowers.

"So how was your day?" She asked as she sits down at the table.

Starfire wants him to be by her side at all times so his day was horrible due to all the war meetings and the conversation about the people being killed.

He worried for Slade and for his friends, are they okay?

"How're the Titans?"

Starfire shrugged "I don't know where they are but I issued an announcement to not kill them just capture"

A servant came and whispered something to Star's ear. She nodded and got up "Sorry Karasu, something has come up, is it okay if I leave you?"

Dick looked away "Whatever"

"I'll meet you at our room" She waved goodbye.

He wasn't given a room either so he'd been sleeping on Starfire's bed with Starfire!.He turned red just thinking about it, she definitely didn't find any problem with it but he couldn't stop his heart beating wildly whenever they had to go to sleep.

"Well if it isn't the princess pet"

Dick looked up and was met with a buff guy that looked a bit older than him, He had black hair, glowing green eyes, and orange skin.

"who are you?" He crossed his arms.

"I am Prince Jowkel from the solar system colonies of Gayash"

Dick raised his eyebrow "And? what do you want?"

The prince looked bewildered "You dare to talk to me like that?!"

Dick smirked and brought his attention to his food.

"EXCUSE ME, you shall not ignore me!" The man slammed his hand on the table "What does she see in you that I do not have?"

Dick looked confused "what do you mean?"

"She wishes to make you her king consort" Dick began to cough "I'm sorry but-WHAT?!"

"But why?! you are a lowly creature with no powers and you're from the planet we are currently adding to our empire!"

"Listen we're not like that-Hehe- and she's not my girl-friend" Dick said all flustered.

"so you do not consider her a friend? from what she had said you two were friends"

Dick slapped himself "we are friends, Girlfriend means something else-"

"Whatever-I shall fight my way to her heart!" He points at Dick.

"I challenge you to KURRAKTA!" His loud voice brought the attention of some servants and guards. They all looked shocked.

"Uh, what does that mean?"

Prince Jowkel growled "It means, weakling, I will fight you to death for Princess koriand'r heart"

Dick eyes widen what had he gotten himself into...and

who the hell is Koriand'r?




if you want more explanation on Robin/Karasu's new way to take down enemies go to the bottom of the chapter and read what I wrote. I realized that I didn't really explain what he learned in Nepal so I add a quick explanation. 

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