Chapter 32- Different Planet

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Dick felt his eyes flutter open.

He found that he was laying in a very nice bed, The architecture was nothing he had seen before, a strange fluorescent flower was on the table next to him and a note was beside it.

"I hope you slept well, servants will dress you soon and answers will be answered -Love Starfire"

Dick looked at the back of the note to see if there was anything else written and it was blank.

And just like the note said servants came in with purple garments "uh where am I?"

They said nothing they just got closer "NOPE, I'm not wearing that!" The ladies grabbed his wrist and he fought back.

"Please, we just want to take you to our Princess-"

His black apprentice suit was taken off leaving him with only a black shirt and pants, that's when he managed to knock one of the servants and make a run for it.

He ran through the large halls avoiding guards and the servants that chased him.

"Stop him!" a lady said as he jumped over a few guards.

He didn't know how he made it but he entered what appeared to be a dining room.

He stopped when he saw Star he raised his fist. "Star, what's going on?! where am I?"

She stood up and she was expressionless which unnerved him, "don't come closer!"

But she ignored his threat, she walked up to him and placed a hand on his chest.

"Um.. star?"

They stood there in silence for a while and then she looked at his eyes "I'm checking your heart, I am worried that I had hurt you"

She moves away and sits at the head of the table "Plase sit down Karasu"

He sat next to her with distrust. The food in front of him disgusted him as there were mostly animal guts and eyes.

"eat you must be hungry" Star's tone was a command, not a suggestion so he shakenly grabbed some of the green goo and took a bite.

He wanted to throw up, that's when the door opened and guards who gasping for air as if they had been running or perhaps flying too fast.


But when they spotted Starfire they froze "Princess! W-we are sorry for the intrusion, it appears that you're handling the situation" The quickly retreated.

Dick looked at Star "Star, can we talk now? I'm guessing I'm on your home planet"

Starfire nodded "Tamaran, yes,"

"why? and why did It appeared that your people are attacking earth?!"

Star stood up and placed her arms behind her back "Tamaran, our people have been creating a large empire for quite some time, taking over planets as if it was- what's the earth expresion?-ah! taking candy from a baby" she started to walk around as she explained her planet's story.

"We started to look at the nearest planet to attack next and your's was it. We recognized that your planet had warriors that could take down ours so as a strategy my father sent me down to earth to learn of their secrets, how they function and how to take down earth's mightiest hero's first"

She stops and looks at Dick "And when you found me and I found out that your past mentor was part of the group of warrior that we needed to take down It was like I hit the jackpot!"

"I hated every one of you in the team and saw all earth technology inferior, but after I was commanded to be more"friendly" so the group could accept me faster I started to see something different in all of you, especially you" She grabs a piece of leg from the table and takes a bite of it.

"Then you were taken from us and from your absent your old mentor came to seek us, he brought us to his lair and that's when I took the opportunity plant a small chip in his computer so we can achieve more information. Imagine our surprise when the man of bats had information on each of the warrior and how to take them down!"

She began to walk towards Dick again and he felt himself shrink a bit for some reason.

"Our plan began to be put in motion and the day that you came back to us, did we launch our invasion but there had been something I had not taken into consideration,"

She cupped his cheek "That you'd get hurt in the process so I did a quick decision and brought you here"

He places his hand over hers "But Star...I get to live while many of my people die? it's not fair"

she smiles "once this is over I promise that Humanity will be taken care of"

Dick shook his head "This is wrong star, innocent people are dying"

She shrugs and goes back to sitting "In war people always die"

"But you started it, so you can end it!" He looked at her with hopeful eyes but she looked away.

"Tamaran has always been like this hungry for war and to conquer, there is no way to change it," She cleared her throat "Never mind that, you should get used to your new home"

Dick couldn't believe what he was hearing "NEW HOME?! like hell will I stay here!" He stood up and tried leave but Starfire grabbed his wrist.

No matter how much he pulled it would not budge. "Aw man damn you and your super alien strength"

Starfire chuckled as she saw this whole ordeal as just a game.



if you want more explanation on Robin/Karasu's new way to take down enemies go to the bottom of the chapter and read what I wrote. I realized that I didn't really explain what he learned in Nepal so I add a quick explanation. 

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