Chapter 25- The contract

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Dick stared at the papers in front of him.

"You think I'm ready?" Dick felt nervous.

"yes and do not worry it's only a saving mission and I'll be going with you" Dick fidged as he looked at the table in front of him, Guns, armor, and files.

"before we take off I want you to read these files, I made a new suit for you until you feel comfortable enough you can sketch me the design of the suit you want." Dick touched at the kevlar, the suit was all black and It had orange outlines like it outlined his collar, shoulder pads, arms, and boots. on each side of the shoulder, it had an orange symbol, The S for Slade. He kind of liked this suit better than his other one because it had less orange and it wasn't an exact replica of Slade's suit. it screamed partner rather than sidekick with no Identity.

"Pick your guns and other weapons. Meet me at 12:00 am at the computer room"

Dick touching the gun on the table felt his mouth dry "you know I won't kill anyone"

"We'll see, besides I taught you well there should not be a problem doing it"

Dick shook his head "no, this isn't about lack of skill but me choosing not to kill."

Slade rolled his eyes "again we'll see. Now get ready" Slade exited and Dick grabbed his new suit.

Dick put it on and found it surprisingly light despite the armor on it. That meant he'd still be able to be flexible. next was the choice of weapons, he skipped over the gun and grabbed gloves that when activated can electrocute someone and based on how hight can potentially kill someone. So he put the settings to a level that would shock someone unconscious. He then grabbed throwing knives and puts them in the sheathes strapped on his chest.  The then went to grab two escrima sticks and sheaths them on the right side of his for the gun. He decides to take a Glock 22 and quickly puts in his holder, trying to not put any attention to it.

He then took the files and began to read them.

after finishing it he notices the time he leaves the room and goes to the computer room.


Dick slightly nodded and puts on his mask "Ready"


Apreanrly, they were going to save this little girl who was being held for ransom.

"Now listen, you stay behind me alright? and you must do whatever I tell you"

Dick nodded. They were both on top of the building looking through a window at the guards' bellow.

"oh, and how will you like me to call you now?"

Dick's eyes widen "you ask me that now?!" He hissed.


"you could have asked me with time!"

"I thought it was only logical now have you hacked the cameras?"

Dick types a few more keys before saying "Yup, I looped the last 2 hours so they won't know we're in...and Karasu"

Slade looked at Dick "what does that mean? why not something like renegade?"

Dick shook his head "I want Karasu, It's Japanese for crow"

Slade sighs "what is it with you and birds?"

"My mother called me Robin because I could fly like one on the trapeze but we had a Japanese knife thrower at the circus who said I looked more like a blackbird so he'd call me Karasu, crow"

Slade was surprised, no wonder the name Robin had been so special to him.

"Alright let's go in"

They went in not detected but before they could take a step an alarm went off and the lights turned off, the windows were shut by metal.

"how?! We didn't activate anything!"

"we didn't this was just a trap! how can I be foolish" The lights turned on and men in white katanas appeared.

"stay as close as you can" He whisper.

Slade drew the first bullet before all chaos broke loose.

Dick ducked and avoided every slash that was thrown at him. He took out his escrima sticks and began to fight back. Dick soon began to get into the moment and began to smile, it was a long time since he's fought.

10 vs 2 was nothing to them, both fighting side by side, Dick let out a laugh as he kicked someone in the balls and proceeded to shock them down but of course, he wasn't perfect and left an opening Slade spotting this shot the assassin in the head, blood splattered on Robin's face. He froze for a second seeing the blood and Slade had to intervene another assassin from slicing Dick's throat.

"Karasu no wake-up! it's either them or us!" Dick snapped back to reality and looked at the oncoming Assassins. He tightens his grip they were going to complete this missions and get out of here alive.

He grabbed some of his knives and threw it at them some landing on the eyes of assassins.

He slid on his knees and tripped them, He charged his electric gloves and began to zap each one.

An assassin threw a knife at him which he caught and threw it back at him landing painfully on the man's crotch.

Dick laughed more trying to keep a happy attitude in this dark time.



then 8 were taken down by him. while Slade took down 9, the last one tried to attack but Slade grabbed Dick's hand and threw him at the assassin. Dick knocked the man down with his feet and stood up with a celebratory punch in the air.

"That was amazing!"

"yeah, it was" He could feel Slade smiling behind his mask. He took out his pistol,

"wait what are you-"

And shot the men Dick had knocked out.

"they were alive!and you just!-"

"If I had left them alive they'd get back up again and gone for us again, I need to keep you safe Richard"

Dick's hands shook and Slade got closer and cleaned some of the blood off Dick's face.

"you go find the little girl and I'll clear a pathway for us"

Dick tried to become focused.

"Alright meet you on the roof?" Slade nodded.

Before Dick could leave Slade grabbed his wrist "Karasu don't be afraid to be brutal with them, they will stop at nothing to kill you and your life is more important than their remember that"

Dick nodded again and ran.

there were a million things going through Dick's mind. "Slade cares for me a lot," He said to himself. as he thought of the things he had said to him.

He took a peek around the corner and saw two guards with large guns in front of a red door.

Without a second thought, he threw his knives at them.

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