Chapter 33- Unlikely alliances

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Slade tore through the Titans lair until he found the teens "WHERE IS HE?!"

They where tying bandages on each other "It was Starfire, she took him..." Beast boy said.

"She betrayed us" Raven shook her head.

"Then I'll make sure to kill her painfully when I find her" He turned around to leave but finds Batman on the doorway.

"What do you want?" He growled.

"Hoping I could find Starfire here," the man said as he stared at the hurt teens.

Slade smirked, "And not Karasu?"

"My top priority is stopping this invasion and I can not do it alone, we need the Justice League"

Raven stood up "well the only person who would know where they are is Star,"

"-and where Starfire is where Karasu must be"

"-and where Starfire is where league must be"

Both men looked at each other as they had just spoken at the same time.

Batman couldn't believe what he was going to say next "We could help each other" Batman suggested.

Slade crossed his arms "You and I working together? pff what is this? the end of the world?"

Batman nodded "Might as well be, but first, we must bring these kids to the young justice"

"Young justice?! man I've always wanted to meet them," Cyborg said.

Slade felt anxiety just standing around and talking, he needed to save Dick now. "we're wasting time, If you want me to help you we leave now"

Batman picked up cyborg who right now was missing a leg. "Rob-uh-Karasu would have wanted his friends safe"

Slade narrowed his eyes "and what do you know about what he would have wanted?"

"We would have! you know how important we are to him!" Beast boy argued.

Slade sighs, He knew they were right so he had to follow them.


"Batman! we're so happy to see you!" the new Robin greeted.

"We thought we were all humanity had left," Red tornado said.

Slade suddenly found weapons be pointed at him. "Isn't this the freak that kidnapped Robin?" Artemis said. She was ready to let her arrow fly.

"Why is Deathstroke here?" Asked Aqualad.

"he's going to help me find Karasu" Batman said.

"Who's Karasu?" Asked Kid flash.

"It's what the old Robin is going by," Robin said with such bitterness.

"Wait! you asked the man who kidnapped him! TO HELP YOU!" Wally screeched at the top of his lungs.

"Yeah, dude we thought he was nuts too" Beast boy pipped up. That brought the young justices attention to the new teens.

"who are you?" miss martian asked.

"WOW you are green like me!" Beast boy said turning into a bird and fly to her. The young justice team gasped.

"We are Rob-I mean Karasu's new team, The teen titans," Cyborg said.

"You seemed injured, superboy help Batman bring the-uh cyborg into the med lab" ordered aqualad.

Superboy nodded and grabbed cyborg's arm. Cyborg leaned on the Superboy and he hopped/was dragged to the med lab.

"So what now?" Raven asked as she looked around.

"you all stay here on earth do not leave this mountain even if there are people out there that need help, they knew how to take down the league that means they must know how to take you all out" Batman ordered.

"And what about you?" Aqualad asked.

"Like I said Me and Deathstroke will go retrieve the league and Karasu"

"You might need our help" Miss Martian said.

"No, you stay, only if we die do you all have the mission to go retrieve the league in Tamaran"

"Tamaran?" Asked Artemis.

"that where Starfire, an ex-team member is from and where these aliens that are attacking are from" Raven answered their question.

"We'll be back soon" Batman turned to Deathstroke and did a light gesture to follow him but before they could leave Wally stopped batman.

"Can we talk for just a second?"

"Can't it wait?"

Wally shook his head "You know I can make it less than a second"

Batman followed wally until it was just them two.

"when you bring Dick won't let that monster take him again?"

Batman stared at the boy.

"No, I won't, He'll be taken to jail and I will make sure Dick gets therapy"

Wally sighs in relief "Thank you and perhaps when all of this is over he can come back, to the team?"

Batman looked away not wanting to see the boy's hopeful eyes "Perhaps"

Jason crossed his arms and huffed. "He won't come back because I'm Robin now"

Wally rolled his eyes and turned to the "new" Robin who had followed them. "Robin has a new name so he can join as Karasu"

Jason shook his head, There was no way he'd let that freak come back to this team.



if you want more explanation on Robin/Karasu's new way to take down enemies go to the bottom of the chapter and read what I wrote. I realized that I didn't really explain what he learned in Nepal so I add a quick explanation.

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