Chapter 38- Rebels

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He stood in front of Starfire not believing that he was just about to be called Prince consort. 

The priest- if he could even call him priest- placed a thin crown on him and as soon as that was done Starfire kissed him. 

The small gathering that was present just groaned and rolled their eyes as they didn't approve.

'trust me I don't approve either' he thought.

Suddenly a large warrior entered the room startling the guest. "My princess! trouble on the east side of the city"

She sighs "first the invasion now this?"

"Tell me what is wrong?" he asks

"A rebellion it appears"

She frowned "a rebellion? Not marvellous...Karasu - I will meet you at our room tonight" She kissed his cheek and flew out of the room. 

Not wasting any time Dick went out of the room. He was surprised that none of the guards followed him. Turns out that his new status allowed him to just go anywhere without guards watching him. 

Suddenly a loud explosion shook the castle. 

Dick didn't know what was happening but he went straight to the war room. 

Arriving there he began to hack the computers. "come on, come on- Justice league where are you?"

"YES!" he celebrated as he found the file containing the justice league. 

"They're on the west side of the city underneath Taramu-Hospital. Of course, hide the justice league in the least suspected place, a hospital"

"Consort prince? this is an unauthorized area for you, Halt!"

Dick turned around and saw a guard lighting up his Star- bolts. 

Dick just ran up to him and slid between his legs and continued his way down the hallway. 

"I got to get there."

As he turned the corner he bumped into someone. "sorry I-" Dick didn't get to say much as a sword was pressed to his throat. 

"Wait! he's not a Tamaran!" A voice said. 

He looked up and saw two men whose skin were blue. 

"who are you?" He asked.

"we're from a nearby planet, which was colonized by Tamaran, our people are here to throw a rebellion and you pale being, who are you? based on the crown you have you are a consort" 

"Uh yeah I am, I'm a hero from planet earth which Tamaran is in process of invading" 

Their eyes widen "EARTH?! we've heard of that planet. Home of great beings with great powers! I hope it has not fallen" 

The men helped him up "We'll it hasn't fallen yet" 

"May I ask where this rebellion is taken place?"

"South of the city attack is just a distraction, We're on our way to open the secret grate to the underground tunnels beneath the castle. There, our armies  will take over the castle"

Dick's eyes widen. 

"so hero, will you come with us?"

Dick shook his head "sorry but I have friends to free, they are being held underneath the  hospital" 

The men nodded "good luck" 

When they parted Dick stood silently thinking of what to do next.

"should he free the justice league or tell the king of Tamaran about the rebels plan...If he just freed the justice league then he'd be stopping the invasion with force, if he saved Tamran he could ask the king for a favour. But that doesn't guarantee that....."

He rolled his eyes "oh I hate this" 

He continued to run and looked for large golden doors which Starfire had told him that it was her father's room

He barged through the large door was met with the familiar face of Starfire's father.


He did a half bow and breathlessly explained himself.

"King of Tamaran your city is being attacked by rebels" 

he stood up and took out his sword "THOSE BEASTS"

Dick stood in front of him and extended his arms "I know their plan! And your daughter is in danger" 

He looked down on him and growled 

"They are planning to enter the castle through the underground tunnels. Call your men and go stop them" 

The man raised his eyebrow.

"why would you tell me this? my people are invading yours and you decide to go against the rebels who want to take us down?"

Dick sighs "because we're all the same! we all don't want to see our loved ones dead. Starfire is dear to me and you. I would hate for her world to be destroyed like mine as I do not want her to feel the pain that one feels when their home is being attacked, when their family is being killed and when their people are enslaved"

The man huffed "these rebels will never enslave my people they are weak"

"you'll be surprised what someone can be driven to do when they are full of anger, hate and revenge" 

The man sighs "you are wise and I shall further talk to you after I stop this foolish rebellion" As the large man passed by Dick he reached out and grabbed the man's cloak.

He stopped and looked behind Dick.

"Do not kill them just capture them, they're only doing this because of what your people have inflicted on them" 

the man huffed and left the room. 

Guards flooded into the room "Consort prince! we're to escort you to the princess room" 

Dick looked to the window and saw a bird fly by. 

He knew where the league was, he'll have to wait for another opportunity to go and save them but right now he hoped that his action will make the king owe him something. 

He let the guards lead him out the room. 

"Don't worry I'll free you all" he whispered.


As promised that I would update this week 

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