Chapter 39- change of heart

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Slade huffed as they finally made it to the entrance of the city.

"I think we should get disguises" Slade suggested. 

They saw a merchant pass by and he stealthy grabbed two large scarves

"here use this" Slade passed it to Batman. 

both men wrapped the scarves around their head and body. They walked through the market place, keeping an eye on every guard. 

"There is the palace we should be heading there, that's where Dick may be" Not getting a reply from Batman, the man rolled his eyes.

"-and perhaps the league," He said trying to get the man's interest. 

Batman looked at one of his gadgets and shook his head "No, they aren't there. I have readings on Superman. This device has his DNA and it's tracking him, says here that he's in that building" Batman points at a building which looks familiar...perhaps a hospital?

Slade's eye hardens "guess the moment we left earth we've both had different missions...Why do I continue to be in shock when I've been well aware how little you care for Dick"

The man said nothing.

"this is where we part ways" Slade turned and walked towards the castle, he hoped that Dick was doing fine.

It didn't take him long until he reached the castle, he knocked a servant and inletraded the castle by dressing like one.

He walked through the hallways when he felt the whole castle shake. He glared at the large smoke cloud coming from the hospital 'way to go in being secretive batman' he thought.

He then hid behind a pillar when he heard a familiar female voice "Father! let him go! he has nothing to do with this!" 

He peeked and saw Starfire trying to stop her father who was grabbing Dick by his hair.

"The Heros are out! who else could of known where they where? YOU BROUGHT HIM TO ALL YOUR WAR MEETINGS! this brat must of over heard something. I know you're behind this!"

Not wasting any time Slade jumped into action, with his sword out he stabbed the large Tamaran's back.

"SLADE!" Dick happily cried.

"Father!" Starfire kneeled down her father who was taking the word out of his back.

Having the boy in his arms he felt relieved.

"we're leaving-" He grabbed the boy's hand.

"what about the league?" Dick asked

"Batman is freeing them" Dick frowned at batman's name.

"No time to talk! move!" He pushed the boy aside as the king threw a large boulder towards them.

"Father NO! don't kill them" Cried star, suddenly she was slapped by her father.

"What is it with you and crying?! I raised you to be a warrior! who did not cry! who did not wavered! and now you act like a pathetic brat!" He spat. He then turned to the other two and lighted his bolts.

"And I will laugh while you two perish! His green beams left scorched marks everywhere and Slade and Dick avoided them.

"Here" Slade gave the boy a sword.

"Let's stop this man" The boy smiled and nodded. Both threw themselves at the king.

Fighting began and the partners worked together to take down the king. Slade in a swift motion sliced the man's hand off. In pain and panic of losing a limb, he blindly threw this bolt around nocking Slade to the ground.

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