Chapter 10- Serum

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His eyes flutter open and he feels so much pain. He tries to sit up but he lets out a yelp.

"lay down boy! you have broken ribs!" Wintergreen's voice hit's his ears. "I hope you learn from this and please boy just do what he asks I don't want to continue cleaning blood from the floor"

Robin Is angry, how can this be happening to him, He could hope for his friends to come and save him but that would be unlikely, Slade has always been good at hiding only showing himself to the Titans when he wanted that meant where ever Slade kept him hidden was going to be impossible for them to find him. Wintergreen continues attending his wounds in silence, He could describe this man in one word, Loyal, He was sometimes nice to him but for this man, Slade was always going to be his priority. He didn't know what Slade did for him to be on his side but he concluded from the beginning he wasn't to be trusted.

Either way, he always attended him with such care that he often reminded him of Alfred...

He began to think of the man Alfred worked for..Batman..There was no way that man would know of his kidnapping and if he did he wouldn't come looking for him but that didn't make Robin have the slight hope that he did come looking for him.

seeing a sinny object of wintergreen's hand Robin quickly moved away from him, "Settle down boy this is just medicine it will heal you up quick"

Robin shook his head "No way I'm letting you stick that needle in me"

"Oh he will and you will allow him" The voice made him freeze. He turned to the man at the door. Slade was leaning on the door frame with his arms crossed.

That is a serum it will heal any wound of you in a matter of seconds, there was a chuckle from the man, meaning I could hit you as much as I want and only until it wears out do you finally start to feel the pain.

Robin clenched his teeth. The serum was put into him and he immediately felt better. No more pain.

"Come on Robin there is much to learn" Slade left the room and Robin knew what it was expected of him.

To follow.

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