Chapter 35- Consort?

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Dick slammed Starfire's door to her room open

"Why didn't you tell me that you want me as your Consort?!" Dick suddenly froze as he sees Star in an almost transparent bathrobe. He quickly turned around and covered his eyes.

"Why are you like that anyways"

he heard Starfire chuckle "well it's my room, and about making you my consort...I have been wanting to make you mine since the moment I landed on earth, my people would never accept you as the official king but by making you my consort, you'll have my social rank and status but you will not have political and military power."

Dick could hear that star was getting dressed and when he thought she was done he turned around "Star, what do you mean "make you mine?"

She crossed her arms and sat on her bed "well I thought it was obvious, you like me and I like you! and I'd be very happy to rule our new colony (earth) with someone that is from the earth"

dick rubbed the back of his neck "Yeah Star I like you, but- I'm 15 and you're what? 16? 17? were far too young to make things official, I wanted to be your boyfriend. being boyfriends or girlfriends is something that is not so official as marriage,  we can have more freedom with our lives, not worrying about responsibilities and just enjoy each other company. Another great thing about boyfriends and girlfriends is that it's a moment in our young lives that we can test whether this-" He points between him and her "could work out"

Star was silent, she looked at him with wide eyes.

"like, how do we even know if we're meant to be? how do we know if there isn't someone else out there that is meant for you?"

starfire finally sighs and smiles "come sit" she patted the spot beside her. Dick went to sat next to her on the bed.

"I- I think I understand what you mean but for me, there is no such thing as a boyfriend and girlfriend because I'm a princess. The person who wishes to be by my side will have to constantly fight against other suitors because in my culture there is no such thing as waiting. Unless that person wants to be by my side and not fight constantly for me then they'll have to be my consort or my husband or my concubine. I'm surprised no one has challenged you yet-"

Dick let out nervous laughter "Uh yeah about that, some dude challenged me to something called...KUK? KUTAH? RUKA?'

She raised her eyebrow "KURRAKTA?"

"yeah that"

She crossed her arms "was it a noble?"

He nodded "some prince from a colony galaxy also- how many galaxies have your people already invaded?"

Star ignored his question "you'll have to fight in front of my father and a large crowd"

"What? why in front of your father? and isn't he on earth right now?"

She shook her head "I'm in charge of the invasion of earth my father is on another colony right now, he'll come all this way so Karasu...Please win"

He looked at his hands "As if I have a choice" She pressed a hand on his chest and pushed on to lay on the bed. "Don't worry, I know you'll win and maybe you can show off your new moves, the ones that Slade taught you?"

He sighs and looks at Starfire who is lying next to him.

"I will but Star don't you think for a second that I've forgotten about the invasion happening at earth, You have to stop this"

She ran her fingers through her hair "I can't, father won't approve, he's given me this task so I can demonstrate that I'm fit for ruling. There no way out of this..."

Dick in anger turned his back at her.

"But...Perhaps there is a way"

He didn't know what to think of Starfire anymore

He just tried to get some rest, after all, tomorrow he'd fight for his life.

Y'all subscribe to PEWDIEPIE's YouTube Chanel, you don't have to watch his videos just subscribe! :) I know he's been through lots of controversies but he's not the guy you might think he is. He's honest, raises money to donate to charities like he did when donating money to an Indian organization to help children get off the streets and into schools. The reason why the whole YouTube community wants him #1 is that he's an individual creator, unlike the Indian music company who is trying to take #1 place on YouTube. Youtubers want YouTube to be an individual creators platform and not be ruled by companies. So go do your part ;) 

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