Chapter 36- KURRAKTA! Fight!

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He shut his eyes from the sudden light of Tamaran's bright sun, the loud yells from the stands could almost make him deaf.

He was in an arena, geared up with Slade's apprentice suit. They hadn't provided him with his knives and told him that if he sought a true win he'd had to win this fight with Tamaran weapons.

He looked towards a specific place in the stands and met the eyes of Starfire who sat in elegant robes beside a massive man. This guy's biceps were bigger than Starfire herself! Heck, his hand could wrap around Starfire's head!

"Nice father star" He whispered to himself.

Then Prince Jowkel appeared and the crowd went wild.

The king stood up and the crowd became silent "My daughter has decided on a consort despite disagreeing with her choice I am willing to give it a chance for this lowly being to prove himself"

Dick was thankful that Starfire gave him a translator, He was ready to prove this "king" that the humans could be powerful maybe not in brute strength but in wills and intelligence. He looked back at Star who smiled at him, He had to admit he wasn't doing this for Starfire but for humanity. Last night Starfire had told him that "perhaps there is a way to end this war" and his guess is doing something to convince this king to leave earth alone and something told him that just winning this fight wasn't going to be enough.

"Fighter's take your places"

That's when Dick realized he didn't have any weapons but Prince Jowkel had.

"wait this isn't fair!" he called out, that's when he spotted weapons on the sides of the arena.

He sighs, he had to run all the way there while this guy could fly to him. So he sucked up and readied himself to run.

"Ready?" The king called

"Begin!" the crowd went wild

Prince Jowkel began to zoom towards him, Dick doughed the starbolts being thrown at him as he tried to run towards the weapons table but the alien was too fast and caught his foot.

He started to go in circle around the air-

"Oh this is going to hurt" Thought Dick as he felt The alien flung him towards the wall.

Starfire flinched as Karasu was flung to the wall,
Making a large crater on the wall.

"Daughter are you sure this is even worth seeing- it's obviously our species are stronger"

"Trust me father Karasu is not like any other species"

The man huffed and looked at her "it's just love that's blinding you"

Dick managed to move out of the way before the prince landed a hit. The aliens fistmade a bigger crater where his head was just minutes ago.

Dick looked around and saw that he was by the weapons table, he grabbed two knives and pointed it at him.

The Prince Laughed "You plan to take down Jowkel with those tiny pieces of metal?"

Dick said nothing but jumped on the alien landing a nice punch to the alien's face and then ducked its attack. while on the floor, he kicked upwards towards the man's dick making him cry out.

The crowd laughed.

Dick smiled "Prince Jowkel you are just a joke" That made the alien angrier.

He stepped to the side and jumped on the aliens back, getting him on a choke hold. The prince out of panic flew upwards. "I'm going to crush you!"

Jowkel then let himself fly downwards with Dick still holding onto him. He knew that if he didn't act fast he was going to die so with his right arm still secured on the alien's neck Dick used his left hand to stab Jowkel's back. He gasped from the pain and Dick drove the knife deeper.

"come on! come on" he chanted trying to reach Jowkel's spine.

Dick then smirked when he felt his knife slide between Jowkel's Lumbar spine vertebrate

"Got 'cha" with a quick turn of his knife he hears Joeckel scream and go limp. Now they were falling towards the ground and without a second thought, he moved Jowkel to the bottom so that his face received all the impact.

Starfire's eyes widen as he sees Jowkel hit the ground with Karasu above him and the impact created a large dust cloud.

Everyone in the stands where quiet, her father stood up wanting to see the results.

when the dust cleared Karasu wobally stood up and The prince was not moving.

He straightens up and walked towards the royal's stands. "Is that all you got?"

as soon as those words left his mouth everyone cheered.

The king sat back down and smiled "he pleases me and he has a sense of humour" He told Starfire.

"you can keep him although he quiet short"

Starfire stood up in excitement and hugged her father "Thank you, daddy! You have nothing to worry about! he'll bring strong children into our world"

the man rolled his eyes "if it makes you happy. Now, I have places to be"


Starfire met Dick at the medic center, he walked in still looking stoic as he got out of that arena but as soon as doors closed his legs gave out.

"Karasu!" She grabbed him before he hit the floor.

"I think I have a few broken bones from when he flung me to the wall"

She smiled "I'm happy that you were able to disguise your pain! if father had seen that you were more hurt more than you let on he would have sent more people to fight you" She helped him onto the medic bed.

"lucky for you we have medicine to heal you faster than human Medicine and...Karasu did you killed him?"

Dick shook his head "no just paralyzed him. I had a theory, that flying is just like walking or running, if you get paralyzed that means you also lose your ability to fly"


"Hey, about what you said of there being a chance to end the invasion at earth, what did you mean about that?"

Starfire smiled "Father is going to stay in Tamaran for a while, you should find a way to convince him to leave Earth alone"

Dick exhaled loudly despite his ribs hurting "But how?"

"I don't know, you tell me boy wonder"

"I WAS boy wonder" He corrected her.

She smiled and placed a hand on his cheek "To me, you are still boy wonder for you can do wondrous things"

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