Chapter- 11- Calling

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"OUR DEAR FRIEND HAS GONE MISSING!!!" Starfire flew around the room in hysterics.

"Calm down Star he'll probably appear by tomorrow," Beast boy says.

"Yeah, you know how he is with disappearing on us," Cyborg says while sitting down at the couch.

Star shook her head "This is more than that! He is not replying to any of my messages"

Raven put a hand on her shoulder "It's not the first time he's done that let's wait for tomorrow"

But tomorrow came and he did not appear now everyone was worried. Robin couldn't just disappear like that.

"we have to contact someone, anyone!"

"Starfire is right...maybe we can call Batman!" Cyborg suggested.

"Man of bats? Who is he?" Beast boy turned into a bat himself. "ONLY THE coolest SUPERHERO OUT THERE!"

"and Robin's mentor? father? we don't know but he worked for him" Raven crosses her legs and begins to float, readying her meditation time.

"Oh! we must call this man of bats"

Cyborg checks the deepest corner of the computer and hacked into a file which contained a number.

"I think I found it!"

He presses the number and the screen is suddenly loading.

Beast boy chewed on his nails "do you think he'll pick up-"

"What do you want," a gruff voice said but when Batman saw the 4 odd teens he got to business.

"where is Robin?"

"Batman, sir! it's a pleasure to meet you!" Beast boy said extending his arm only realizing that he couldn't shake someone's hand over a video call.

"You are our biggest fan-" Cyborg started when Raven pushed them aside.

"what these idiots really want to say is that Robin is missing and we were hoping to know you'd know. after we fought this man name Slade he disappeared"

Batman without emotion replied, "Robin can handle himself, and I have other important stuff on my plate" and just like that the video call was canceled.

"what an asshole" Beast Boy said.

"doesn't sound like a father" Starfire said.

"That's because he isn't," Raven crossed her arms in disappointment.

TEEN TITANS! (A Dick Grayson Story)Where stories live. Discover now