Chapter 21- Bonding

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Will was smiling at the bickering happening before his eyes, He was actually surprised that Slade followed his advice and became much softer with the boy and had decided slow down his teaching so they can all "bond" more, just like Will wanted.

"anyways what do you have planned for us to do today?" asked the boy.

"Shh it's a secret I will discuss this with you privately"

Will crossed his arms "now what is this about?"

Slade smiled "you will find out soon, besides I have a list of things I need you to do for me" he took out a piece of paper and handed it to will.

Will looked suspiciously at Slade "alright I'll be back then.."

as soon as will left Dick turned to Slade.

"what are you planning" Dick looked at Slade's serious face his eyes becoming cold.

"follow me this is very important" Dick felt this heart drop, had he done something wrong?

He followed Slade to the kitchen where he started to bring out spoons, large bowls, eggs, and milk?

"what is this-"

Slade turned around with cake mix on his hands.

"this is the most important mission yet" Dick couldn't help but actually laugh. "we are making a cake? goodness I never thought I'd ever bake a cake with my enemy-Haha-what is this all about"

Slade chuckled "'s will's birthday today and he keeps being on my case to be softer with you...and what's softer than..baking cake?"

Dick smiled "okay then what do we do first?"

Slade began to order Dick round as soon as they started "put the milk in-did you add 4 eggs? you have to put the oven on-"

"you know if you want to "bond" ordering me around like a slave and not participating is not "bonding" Slade sighs and nods in agreement.

he helps with cracking 2 eggs open-

when the cake came out of the oven it was tilting "what did we do wrong?" Slade breathed.

"I think the icing will hide the tilt come on" Dick started to put some blue icing, Slade the red. they wrote Happy birthday on the top. Dick suddenly squeezed the icing out too hard and landed on Slade.

"oh! i'm sorr-"

But Red Icing was splattered on his face as well. "apprentice do I need to remind you of your place?" Slade asked menacingly.

Dick smiled "No because heroes always win" Slade raised a brow "Do they now?" both began to throw each other icing.

In the friendly battle, Slade let something slip out "You're going down Grant" which made both freeze.

"I know you had a son and that something bad happened to him...I got that from Officer Ryarson, whatever happened to him I'm sorry. If you want we can forget about it and continue-"

Slade threw Icing at the boy's face "thanks and..perhaps another day we'll talk about him" and so the battle continue, flour was thrown to the ceiling, the icing was splattered against walls and eggs broken.

suddenly there was a loud noise of something dropping to the ground.

"MY KITCHEN!" Will had come back with the things Slade had wanted him to retrieve.

Both Slade and Dick froze.

"Uh surprise?" Dick nervously said.

"you both better clean this mess up if you expect me to eat what I believe is a cake" Will turned around and left the room.

"do you think he's mad?"

Slade shook his head "no Richard he's probably very pleased with this now let's clean"

Dick was surprisingly happy, he never thought he'd bake a cake with Slade nor sing Happy birthday with him to will, he really did a 180 and took an opposite direction. a tiny voice in his head told him to remember that he was still a killer, a murder, a thief- but he ignored it in such a happy occasion.

"oh and remember tomorrow we have Shooting practice"

Dick rolled his eyes, on second thought- "way to ruin the moment Slade will it be with Officer Ryarson?"

Slade smiled "No because I will be teaching you to use more than just a pistol tomorrow"

Dick took another bite out o fhis cake "what ever" and continue to enjoy the moment.

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