Chapter 13- The change

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"I don't get it Will, he still goes against me! and what's with his fighting now?  I've seen how he fights, brutal and dirty just like a criminal and now he's acting all high and mighty around me as if my ways are horrible! God! I've seen him rip some thief's balls off"

Slade turns to will who is sitting with a cup of tea in his hands. Since Will said nothing Slade continued to talk.

"I want him to fight like I've seen him fight through these surveillance videos and I want to see that rage, and intelligence that helps him take out his enemies quick and painfully"

Wintergreen sighs "Well I can't really answer your question on how to make him fight like that again but I can offer advice on how to deal with him. Robin has a strong will which allows him to keep fighting you-"

"I'll just tear that will down-"

"If you do that Slade, then you will only have the shell of what he once was, and it was that will of his that made you interested in him in the first place. Now where was I? Ah the advice- you have to start being nicer to him. The boy fears you and that's not entirely great, you want him to want to learn from you, keep your temper in check and once he feels comfortable with you perhaps he will open up on why he isn't fighting like he used to"

Slade snorted "and what am I supposed to do with him when he disobeys if you want me to be "NICER" to him?"

Wintergreen shrugs "He's still a child, 15- use other ways of punishment like...spanking, time out's"

Slade burst out laughing "he's 15 too old for me to use those methods-"

"But the shame of going through that will change his mind of crossing you again"

Slade started to think that will might have a point.

"Besides shame is worse than broken bones, promise him to not hit again and once he starts trusting you begin to open up-"

Slade shook his head "I don't think it's time-"

"Trying to create a relationship with a metal barrier is not going to help both of you" Wintergreen referred to Slade's masked face.

Slade sighs deeply "alright I will try your suggestions BUT if they don't work I'm going back to beating him"

Wintergreen sighs in relief, He knew if he couldn't convince Slade now the boy would be dead soon. He cared for the boy and hoped that with this new upcoming month the relationship between the two got better.


The boy finally came down for breakfast, he sat down and said good morning and began to eat in silence. Slade reached for his fork and the movement made the boy flinch which made him confused, perhaps will is right he's been too harsh with the boy he's flinching at every sound and movement.

He looked at the boy's eyes, somewhere in the month Robin had lost his identity privilege and he was surprised to find the boy underneath the mask be Richard Grayson or Dick for short. He was an acrobat, his parents were killed and he joined Batman soon after. Knowing his Identity he now knew who Batman was he could also use this knowledge against the boy but he decided not to mention it.

He sighs deeply, Today was the day he'd "change" as Will wanted. He reached for his helmet, the movement made the boy look up, and he took off his helmet-placing it on the table beside him.

Robin's eyes widen.

"Richard, I think I never introduced myself to you properly I'm Slade Wilson"

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