Chapter 4- Starfire

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"A group of humans has accepted me as their "family", One in particularly is connected to the Justice league it is vital that I gain more information through him before anything begins"

"Continue to integrate into their society, you make your planet proud"

The communication was cut and she made her way to the living room and found everyone surrounded at the table.

"What is going?"

"Apparently Robin is good at drawing so we are all telling him how we want our costumes to be!" Beast boy said.

"Look at mine!" Beast boy showed her the drawing.

"It's the same" she pointed out.

"It's not! I don't have a helmet on!"

Cyborg leaned in and whispered "tell him nothing he just wanted a drawing from Robin"

She smiled and looked at the other drawing. It was Raven in a dark purple cloak with a black one-piece suit and a chain wrapped around her hip.

"I told her that's not practical for fighting but I'll give the girl what she wants" Robin then looked at Starfire. "What of you? Want to change your outfit?"

She looked at her outfit and saw her dark themed colours, black skirt, black top with silver armor covering the rest of her body. She guessed if she wanted to look more friendly she'd have to change her clothes.

"I'd like my outfit the same but in a light purple colour without my silver armor"

He raises his eyebrow "you sure?"

She nods "positive"

"Okay, your clothes will be done for tomorrow, tomorrow we start training"

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