Chapter 30- The Trials (With now explanation about the Blades)

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Part 1- The names

The boy touched his new balded head, he didn't complain but he looked upset.

The first trial is to find their names, the 15 boys all stood in line waiting for my signal.

I the head monk rose up "Ready, set go" The children all fought each other tried to sabotage each other but my eyes were on the outsider who he saved any who seemed to almost fall to their death. Being too selfless could be the death of someone as one of the boy's who he had saved tried to kill him by pushing him off the bridge they were now on.

But I found myself smiling as the boy came through and came 1st place.

Now only 13 boys stood in front of him. "Go find the bodies and bury them" I walked up to each of the boys staring at each one "Boy why do look upset?" He asked the outsider.

"I couldn't save them"

"you kind heart baffles me, you can be competitive but you do not wish for anyone's demise"

The boy nodded.

"You are to be called Bear, as the bears are a symbol of strength, courage, and tenacity. It also represents a gentle friendship and a docile follower in camouflage. However, bear's love for honey adds up an amusing element into the symbol of power and dignity."

Bear bowed "I've been called many animals throughout my short life and if today I'll be called a bear than so be it"

A boy next to him was glaring at Bear, He had been the one who had tried to kill that outsider.

"You shall be named Snake, you are ambitious and have a powerful venom that could kill anyone before him"

I moved onto the next boy and the next naming each one.

Part 2- The Second trial.

Here is a trial where you are supposed to solve a riddle and depending on the right answer will you pass the next round

One by one the children enter my Office to give their answers and I'm disappointed that many of them fail.

" I cut through evil like a double edge sword, and chaos flees at my approach balance I single-handedly upraise, through battles fought with heart and mind, Instead of with my gaze, what is the answer young Bear" (this riddle is not my creation)

Blue eyes narrow and he scratches his chin, he then straightens up and smiles "I know this, I practically grew with it, Justice is the answer"

"are you sure?"


He dismissed the boy and went outside to meet all 13 boy's "I will call out who has answered correctly those who haven't monks will show you your new homes"

Soon 5 children stood before me.

Part 3- final Trial

This last Trial is to find the one who is worthy to learn the changer's blade skill.

"You may choose any weapons you'd like and may take down your opponent however you may like but if your methods are not to our liking you will not pass this test. Get ready, start!"

Snake quickly grabbed a sword and went after the youngest of them all, the boy didn't even flinch when his swords pass through the boy's body.

Bear on the other was being ganged up on by Hawk and Rhino.

The boy had a certain grace to him as his flexible body dodged every attack almost as if it was a dance. He then grabbed a knife and threw it at Hawk, the hilt of it hit the boy's head knocking him to the ground. He then grabbed a sword just for protection from Rhino's Sword. He bent down and knocked the boy into the ground and with a swift punch to the head the boy was knocked out.

Bear quickly moved out of the way as an arrow nearly missed his head. Both boys fought, receiving cuts from each other,

it was obvious to everyone Snake fought with the intention of killing and Bear fought with the intention of winning but not killing.

I closed my eyes knowing how this fight was going to end.

when the sounds of clashing blades ended I opened my eyes and saw Bear in front of me. He bowed "I'm ready to learn"

I smiled and took out a box, with gold engraved on it. I opened it and showed the boy the blades.



Robin's new form of attacking is by disabling his enemies by using these short blades and knives, with a quick stab to the back hitting the spine and with a slight twist Robin is able to break the opponent's back making them Paralyze. The monk Also taught Robin ways to disable his opponent by learning to make different poisons that make the opponent blind, deaf or mute. He also learns to specifically decide on the person's type of disability like depending where he stabs he can make a person to not be able to use their legs or arms. For example, Robin Based on how bad have the criminals become will he decided what to give them. Taking their ability to walk in his mind is giving them a second chance, he only truly paralyzes his enemies to the point that they are not able to move or talk is only used as a last resort.

The monks taught Robin that being disabled is not a setback but another opportunity to think of their life differently, people tend to change once something important to them is taken away. For example a lowly thief, he'd take their ability to see, a killer thug he'd take away their ability to walk, a mafia boss, he'd  take their ability to move altogether but allowing them to still communicate and before he'd even go through all of this he talks to the criminals first, warning that if they do not stop he'd stop them, if after disabling a criminal who still finds a way to do crime does Robin goes back to them to fully finishing the job by making them permanently paralyzed, with no way of movement or communication and letting them suffer in their own mind. 

This is why after the trip to Nepal the police in Jump city were finding criminals going deaf or blind or crippled. 

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