Chapter 23- Justice League

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The Justice league all sat in shock to what Batman had just said.

"you mean to tell us that Robin-well the first Robin went missing and you didn't do anything about it?!" Wonder woman asked.

"That is really unresponsible of you!" Batman practically yelled. Unlike the rest of the league, Dick was closest to Superman and always called him Uncle Clark.

"I know, I did a mistake I forgot that-"

"that Robin is just a CHILD?! you should of went looking for him when he ran away from you!"

"Superman is right! and besides, why did he run in the first place?" Flash asked as he crossed his arms.

"I-I don't know"

Everyone's eyes widen "so, the greatest detective doesn't know?" Wonderwoman asked with a slight smirk.

"No I don't and I need you all to help me...To help me find him"

"Do you know where to start looking?" Green Lantern asked.

"yes..The Teen Titans, Robin's new group"

"Well, I'll go with you" Wonderwoman volunteered.

"me too," Black canary said.

"Alright do not worry Batman we'll have an eye out," Superman said.

The three went to The Titans hideout and when they entered the teens all charged their weapons to the new intruders.

"Calm down" Batman spoke.

seeing Batman Beast boy and Cyborg calmed but their expressions where nothing but displeased and anger.

The other two kept their hands up and charged.

"Oh so now you decide to come? for what?" Cyborg hissed.

"I want to find Robin"

"why now?" Beastboy asked.

"because I-I realized that I was wrong"

Cyborg rolled his eyes but he knew that Batman was his best chance.

"this is Black Canary and Wonderwoman they are part of The Justice League"

Starfire's eyes widen, so these are the people who she needed to find information about? Starfire removed her starbolts.

"How do you plan to find Robin?"

"by first talking to you"

Cyborg crossed his arms "we already know why Robin is sticking with Slade, He as him blackmailed"

"How?" Asked Wonderwoman.

"through us, we've found nanobots in our blood system and we can't get it out"

"Why didn't you contact me about this?" Batman took a step forward, he was angry, at himself mostly but if these teens had told him about nanobots and about the blackmail he'd probably listen sooner.

"well, we tried to tell you!" Beast boy yells.

Raven took her hood off "Yeah but your "new Robin" answered your call and told us to...and I quote to "Fuck off" because he was the new Robin and that you don't need the old one"

Batman's eyes widen, Jason would never-

That's when Black Canery placed a hand on Batman's shoulder "Batman a word"

They moved away from the group meanwhile Wonderwoman continue to talk to the teens.

"This mess is much bigger than I thought, you have to understand, Jason is in a tough situation right now"

Batman opened his mouth to speak but Canery continued to talk "Do not get angry with him, he's a child who feels threatened by Dick. He was the first so everyone was comfortable with him and when he arrived he was faced by uncertainty and disapproval from The league and Young justice, yes we welcomed him with open arms but that doesn't change the fact that we know he is not the same as the first Robin. So imagine yourself being constantly compared to someone who is constantly praised or talked about"

Batman touched his temples "This is a mess"

"What you have to do now is focus on two things, Robin and the second Robin, make sure that while you search for your first you don't forget about the second one, it's time for you to be responsible with kids"

Canery began to walk toward teens but she turned around to say one more thing "Oh an Batman I know why he ran away, and how much of a bastard you were to that boy"

Batman said nothing and followed Canary.


Starfire was shocked as she entered the Batcave "so this is Robin's home?"

"was" She looked up and saw the boy who had answered their call before.

"Follow me" Batman ignored Robin's comment and the Teens followed Batman to the computer.

"What are they doing here" Robin growled.

"I'm here to check them, I have better technology to see what is going on their bodies"

"and why would you want to do that"

"To find Robin" Beast boy said.

"yeah our Robin" Cyborg pointed himself.

Jason's eyes widen in shock.

"Batman Why would you go after him?"

"because It's not right to leave Robin in the hands of a mercenary and killer"

Jason swallowed hard "B-But I thought I was Robin"

Batman Looked away from his computer "I know and you are. Robin after I finish this checkup I want to have a serious talk with you"

Jason nodded but dreaded what he would say, would he fire him for not telling him about the nanobots?

Canary appeared through the portal "Robin I have a mission set out for you and the team let's go"

Robin took one more glance at Batman before running towards the portal.

"Okay let's check you" Batman placed some monitors on the teens but while he was busy with Cybor's wires Starfire came closer to the Bat-computer. She took a small green chip from her sleeve and placed it on the computer. The Tiny chip grew out tiny legs and climbed between the keys of the keyboard.

"Starfire your turn" The gruff voice of Batman called her.

She smiled and turned to Batman "Your Technology is fascinating"

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