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I woke up the next morning next to Taehyung wrapped around me completely. His arms holding me so close to his overheated unclothed torso, as he was still in dream land.

It felt nice to wake up next to him...to feel his warm body so loving against mine.

I decided to stay over at Taehyung's house last minute, without telling my brother. I didn't care at this point. My brother lied to me, and I would be facing him head on today. Taehyung means everything to me, and I am not going to let him ruin that for me.

I turned over carefully, trying to not wake up the sleeping angel from his rest.

I studied his features while he quietly slept. His long eye lashes, the mole under his eye, to the mole that kisses the top of his nose. His lips that were so oddly shaped but they kissed so well, his perfect golden tan skin shined so bright as the sun gently blessed him. How could someone be this perfect?

How could someone so perfect love me? How did I get so lucky to call him mine?

I stayed in Taehyung's bed with him while he slept. I quietly listened to him snore and breathe heavy, and it somehow brought me to a comfortable state of mind, that the madness was finally over and behind us.

This is how I want to wake up every morning: next to him with total peace and love.

A few scratches and a loud bark became apparent at the bedroom door, causing Taehyung to wake up abruptly. He sat up with one eye open, the back of his hair a mess and standing up and I couldn't help but giggle.

"We slept in." Taehyung spoke, while letting out a yawn. He gave the back of his head a quick scratch before turning over to see me.

He gave me a sleepy grin before taking me into his tower-like arms, scooping me against his body for a warm hug.

"Good morning, baby." Taehyung greeted me, basically laying on top of me at this point.

I giggled while feeling a little smothered, but it was okay. I didn't mind it.

Taehyung sat up above me, his sleepy eyes gazing into mine with such love. I moved his hair out his way to look at him more clearer. Taehyung began to lower his lips onto mine for soft good morning kiss.

I kissed him back with passion, not wanting the kiss to break, but it did.

"Good morning, love." I said to him, resting my hand on his chubby flushed cheek.

"It was nice waking up to someone so beautiful like you. I've longed for it. It gets lonely at night when I can't have you next to me." Taehyung told me, which caused me to wrap my arms around his body and he sat up completely, my body collapsing comfortably against him.

"It's been long, Taehyung. I don't want to sleep without you again." I said, burrowing the side of my face into his bare chest.

"I'm not letting you go anywhere from me. Never again. I can't bare to be without you. You're mine, remember?" Taehyung asked and I nodded my head.

"I've been yours."

A few my scratches were heard, causing Taehyung to dramatically sigh as his dog needed his attention.

"Sounds like Yeontan needs you." I giggled.

"When does he not?" Taehyung groaned, letting go of me as he crawled out of bed to make his way to the door.

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