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Jimin's POV

Im sitting in a living room, consoling a crying friend. I try to put my arm around him comforting him in a way. This is the only way I know how to comfort someone, only because I don't do well with this kind of stuff.

I also suck at giving advice, so when I'm put in these sort of positions, I almost freeze. I want to run away and not deal with it because I don't know how.

But when I look at the tear stained lap of my emotional friend, I can't help but try my best to help them out.

"I just don't get why." Taehyung began to say, his hands uncovering his crying face.

Taehyung looked tired. I think he was tired in both ways from the way he looked at me. His eyes were heavy, dark bags hung underneath them while they were pooling with tears kissing his flushed cheeks.

I've seen him like this, but never like this. And it really pained me to see him like this, because I knew who was doing this to him.

But I wanted to stay out of it. This isn't my battle, this isn't my business but I can't help but be concerned.

"I'm tired, Jimin. I'm so tired." Taehyung quietly mumbled, sniffling just a tad bit before wiping his nose with his sleeve.

"I can imagine, you've had quite the last couple days." I somehow managed to say, still not knowing how to find the right words to tell him.

"It's been so long, the days drag and just get worse. The emotions I've felt, the words I've had to say, the things I've done...I'm tired, Jimin. I'm exhausted." Taehyung started to shake his head, almost like he couldn't believe what he was saying, causing him to cry just a tad bit harder.

I rubbed my sobbing friend's back while he leaned into me, and it caused me wrap my arm around his shoulder. I brought my hand up and down trying to calm him down.

"How could she do this to me?" Taehyung asked me, still sniffling up snot and coughing after doing so.

"Your guess is as good as mine." I still don't know what to say to him.

I know why. But he doesn't know why.

"I don't understand it. I don't understand at all. Jimin, she hurt me. I would have done anything for this girl. I'm telling you, anything." When he said the word anything, he sat up and gave me direct eye contact and in that moment I could tell he was breaking.

And I felt horrible. My stomach sank like a rock does in the bottom of the ocean.

Do I tell him? I felt my body get hot with trying to make up a decision.

Is that what a good friend does? It's not considered bad talking my other friend if I just...told the truth, right?

"I love her, Jimin. I love her so damn much. I went through hell for her. I did things I'd never do for anyone else." Taehyung spoke, sniffling even quicker before. He began to get more upset and I didn't know how to calm him down.

"I know, Taehyung."

"I don't know if you really do, Jimin. This girl, I'm telling you this girl is unlike any of them all. Jimin, she's rare. She's the one person I let in, the one person I let get close. All I wanted was to just be happy, to be happy with her. I don't know why she doesn't want me, Jimin. Why doesn't she want me?" Taehyung began to become a sloppy mess, crying like a baby and I could feel his pain.

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