Carnival Cuteness

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{C}{A}{R}{N}{I}{V}{A}{L} {C}{U}{T}{E}{N}{E}{S}{S}

"TJ would never let the one good thing in his life go and that one thing is Cyrus Goodman."

Hello and welcome to Tyrus One Shots! Let me know what you think and leave a comment below about different ideas for one shots :)

They are on a little hiatus right now so I decided to write something to help time pass by :)

Cyrus' POV

Today is the day.

A day I have been waiting for a while now.

TJ and I are going to actually going on a date. 

A first date at that.

I'm excited yet frustrated. I have to tell my mom or dad I'm somewhere else whenever I want to hang out with him because TJ is "not a good influence" on me. My parents just doesn't see the TJ I know. The good side (which is also the intimidating side) is the one that always make me happy at the end of the day. He is a good guy and I know he is. 

"Bye mom! I'm going to hang out with Buffy and Andi at the carnival! I'll be home soon!" I yell as I'm walking out the door.

I don't like to lie about anything because though I love my parents, I'm not out yet and I want to see if what I feel for TJ is genuine. Are we more than crazy unpredictable moments?

Plus, I am technically going to the carnival with them...I just won't be with them the whole time there. 

Yeah. Talk yourself up Cyrus. You're good.

She tells me to be safe and to be careful and to text her every two hour which is what she always tells me leaving. 

Buffy's outside with Andi and we all start walking to the carnival.

Buffy on my left and Andi on my right. I'm in a Best Friend sandwich and I love it.

"Are you excited?! You have to be excited!" Andi says doing a little jump in her step.

"I really am!" I say excitedly. "I'm also really nervous. Am I too nervous? My hands. Are they sweaty?!" I say and I press one hand to each of their cheeks. They laugh and move their hands.

"Cyrus. It's okay to be nervous. TJ just better not be messing with you. "Buffy says scowling.

Andi gasps. "If he is messing with you, I will be really upset."

"Guys, TJ is not like that. I promise." I say reassuringly.

We finally reach the carnival and we get our tickets and head inside. There's so much you can do that I am not sure where to start. I see the Ferris Wheel, look up, and I gulp. 

Heights are definitely a part of my "stuff" still.

Buffy and Andi spot Jonah and Walker and wave them over to us. While they start talking, I excuse myself to call TJ to see where he's at. Andi and Buffy give knowing looks but I just shake my head and walk a couple steps away from them.

As the phone rings, someone whispers in my ear "Who ya calling muffin?"

I jump and my phone flies out of my hand. I clutch my chest and hear a chuckle and turn around to see no one other then the one I was looking for. 

TJ Kippen

I pretend to scowl as he picks up my phone and gives me a smile and I smile back.

Yup. Way more feelings in this moment than I ever had with Iris. This is real.

I elbow him and after talking for a bit, we decided to start walking around together. I wave bye to Andi and Buffy and they raise their eyebrows up and down, laugh and walk away with the boys. 

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