In the car

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"So. My knight in shining armour?"
He laughed "you couldn't make it up"
"No problem getting out of the hotel then?"
"Luckily the young lady who I charmed into letting me stay was back on reception"
"She asked me if I'd had a good night"
"And?" Jac was jealous of this young receptionist whom he had obviously worked his cheeky charm on
"And" he said placing his hand on her thigh "it was one of the best nights of my life"
Jac allowed herself a wry smile "don't get big headed Fletch but it was pretty great"
She placed her hand over his and squeezed
"You did a good job of disinterest and sarcasm when I stopped at the breakdown " he commented
"Well disinterest and sarcasm are what I do best"
"Oh I don't know there's a couple of other things that I could name that you do well" he said suggestively
"Shut up" Jac blushed
"So is Emma still away then?"
"Yes although I'm wondering if there's trouble in paradise. Apparently Johnny and Barbie were arguing last night"
"How do you feel about that?"
""What do you mean how do I feel"
"Well you know if they broke up ..." Fletch's voice faded as he caught sight of her annoyance
"I actually could not care less. Why does everyone think I still have feelings for  Johnny"
"Well do you?"
"No for god sake. The only thing I care about if they split up is making sure Emma isn't caught in the crossfire"
"Ok, ok I'm sorry. Are you going to tell him about us or have I just blown it for 'us'?"
Jac paused "No you haven't blown it" she said quietly  "if I tell Johnny I'll have to tell Emma and I don't think I want that yet. Is that ok?"
"That's fine. We said we had to take it slowly with the kids., although Emma and Theo are thick as thieves already. He really misses her at crèche"
"Well if he will fall for an older woman. You know they FaceTime and message each other l the time"
"Yes I knew. It's sweet don't you think?"
"Fletch have you ever known me to think anything is sweet?"
"Fair point" he laughed "anyway so if they carry on being friends it could make it  trickier to keep 'us' out of family stuff "
"We've managed so far. Anyway are the kids still at Steven's"
"Yeah he's keeping them tonight. Can't believe his missus thought he was having an affair with Evie, that just added to the shock"
"I'm afraid I wasn't very sympathetic"
"No you wanted popcorn"
"Sorry" she sniggered "it was like a soap opera though"
"Thanks. Glad to be entertaining for you"
"Again sorry. You know I went through similar, finding out the mother who abandoned me had another family"
"I know" he murmured "I found out stuff that made me forgive him a little. I spent half an hour sobbing in my office when he gave me the Christmas card I'd drawn for him when I was 6. He'd kept it all these years"
"Oh Fletch. I didn't know. Why didn't you come and find me or text me to come to you" her voice was full of uncharacteristic compassion
"Turn to you when I was upset? A sarcastic comment would not have really helped"
She turned towards him in the car
"You really think I would have done that?"
"I don't know. I know you find emotions, even in other people difficult to handle and I didn't know then that you wanted this" he gestured between them
"Fletch promise me that you'll come to me if you're upset, especially if it's me that's upset you" she laughed nervously "God, I want to be there for you just  as much as you've been there for me"
"Thanks, that really means a lot" he was slightly choked. He cleared his throat before he started blubbing
"So Ms Naylor - I still have an empty house and you are currently child free. Coming back to mine?"
"Oh go on then you twisted my arm"

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