Nearest thing they've got

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"Ah bliss" said Jac to herself
It was Saturday night, Fletch had been called into work .
Emma was at Johnny's, Theo, Ella and Mikey were at Stephen 's and Evie was out with friends.
Jac loved living with the Fletcher's but having the house to herself was a real treat . After her bath she sat down, put her feet up. Bliss. She was just deciding what to watch on Netflix when her mobile rang. Unknown number. Jac often didn't answer those but for some reason did this time
Hi are you Jac?
Who's this please?
My name's Georgia, I'm with Evie erm I wondered if you could pick her up she's a bit erm well, she's really drunk
Ok where are you
We're outside the community centre
Right. Georgia stay there with her. I'll be as quick as possible
Jac heaved herself out of the chair. Sucks to be 8 months pregnant when you have to go and collect a pissed teenager.
Jac pulled up outside the community centre alongside Evie and her friend sitting on the kerb
"Jac" Evie said crying "Look Georgia my little brother is in here" she placed her hand on Jac's bump
"Come on let's get you in the car" between them Georgia and Jac managed to manoeuvre Evie into the back seat
"I'll take you home too Georgia"
"Thanks. Sorry about this"
"It's Ok I'm pleased you called. What's happened?"
"I hate him and she is a bitch" Evie slurred
"Evie likes this boy Joel who also really liked her but tonight he was seen getting off with Bethan Hargreaves"
"Bitch" chipped in Evie
"We obviously had some booze for the party, I think after finding that out Evie just went for it"
"Ok. Evie darling if you're going to vomit please let me know so I can stop the car"
Evie carried on crying
Eventually they dropped Georgia off and got Evie into the front seat. She carried on crying all the way home.
When they got home Jac guided her upstairs
"Let's get you to bed"
"Ok" Evie said sadly. Suddenly she went pale
"I'm gonna be sick" she rushed past Jac who quickly waddled behind her to the bathroom. Luckily Evie made it to the toilet and vomited whilst Jac held her hair.
"I miss mum" Evie hiccuped
"I know darling. Of course you do"
"Your mum wasn't around for you was she?"
"No but I didn't have a loving family round me like you have"
Evie giggled "dad's gonna kill me"
"Is that why you called me and not him?"
"Yeah. Sorry "
"Don't worry, I'll make sure that he's not too hard on you"
"He really loves you ,you know"
Jac smiled "well I love him too"
"He's happier now. He was really sad when Uncle Raf died"
"We all were darling. Shall we get you to bed? Brush your teeth and I'll bring your pyjamas along"
Soon Jac got Evie through to her bedroom
"Jac will you stay with me for a little while?"
"Ok. Now in you get"
"Thanks Jac" Evie said sleepily
Jac sat next to the teenager stroking her hair til she dropped off to sleep. At Evie's age Jac had absolutely no one. She was trying to survive in care having been abandoned by everyone.
She was still sat stroking Evie's hair pondering on her life and how things had turned out when  Fletch appeared in the doorway
He raised his eyebrows questioningly. Jac put her finger to her lips to indicate him to be quiet
"Help me up" she whispered
He bent down and she held on to him whilst she gently eased her way out of the bed
"You Ok? Is Evie alright?" He said as they made their way downstairs
"Let's have a cuppa" Jac led him into the kitchen
"I got a call from one of Evie's friends asking me to pick her up because she was extremely drunk"
"Drunk?" Fletch exclaimed
"What the fuck she's 15"
Jac raised her eyebrows as she placed his mug of coffee down
"Adrian Fletcher don't even try to tell me that you didn't do this at 15" she said with a smirk
"Yeah well that's different"
She laughed "how is that different?"
"I don't know it just is. She's my baby girl"
Jac placed her hands over his
"Fletch - she's not your baby girl anymore, she's your daughter but not your baby girl. We've all done this or something similar when we were a teenager. It's part of growing up"
Fletch sighed "you're right, of course you're right"
"At least she has sensible friends who looked after her" Jac offered
"Mmmm who got her pissed in the first place"
"She was upset about a boy"
"A boy?!Oh This just gets better"
"Again, don't tell me that you of all people did not fancy girls at 15"
"I was a bit of a heartthrob"
Jac rolled her eyes "course you were. Anyway look she has a crush he copped off with someone else she was upset"
"They called you not me. Am I some kind of raging father"
"Well aren't you?"
He laughed hollowly "I might have shouted a bit more than you" he conceded
"I think they just wanted someone who had been a teenage girl. When she was throwing up she told me she missed her mum"
"Oh my poor darling"
"She'll be fine"
"So how are you?"
"Tired but I'm fine"
"So where do we stand on the I can't be a mother to your children"
"You're suddenly memory man?"she laughed
"Look at me I'm 8 months pregnant with your son and I just picked your daughter up off the kerb because her mum is not around. I think I'm going to have to revise my statement because I think I'm the nearest thing they've got to a mum"

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