Back on form

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Fletch flew round getting everything they needed. Luc's changing bag and milk etc and an overnight bag for Jac
At this point Fletch didn't even consider that they wouldn't all be going to hospital with Jac. He needed to know where everyone was. That everyone was safe and that if Johnny was going to come back no one would be there
Jac started to come round and cried out in pain
Fletch stroked her hair "where does it hurt sweetheart?"
Jac's eyes fluttered "Emma, Luc ..."
"They're both fine babe, we just need to worry about you now. Where are you hurt?"
"My head and I think my ribs, and I think I might have twisted my ankle"
"The ambulance is on the way"
"I'll be fine I don't need to go to hospital"
"For once in your life Naylor you will do as you're told . Where would I be going if I was laid at the bottom of the stairs?"
"Hospital" Jac rolled her eyes "fine"
Fletch asked Evie to go in the ambulance with Jac whilst he followed with the others. Arriving at the hospital he stuck them in the ED staff room. One of the rare times that working at the hospital had it's perks.
Fletch found Elle who had seen Jac as she came in, complaining about having a neck collar and telling the paramedics their job
"How is she?" Fletch asked, worry etched on his face
Elle put her hand on his forearm kindly
"Judging by her presentation when she came I think she'll be fine. She's gone down for a scan to be on the safe side as she lost consciousness. Do you know what happened?"
"Not really, we got home to find her at the bottom of the stairs. I think there might have been an altercation with her ex"
"Well we'll treat what we see and maybe you can get some details later"
"The kids are in the staff room - they'll be good and then I can sit with her whilst we wait for scan results?"
Elle laughed "That's fine Fletch. Try not to worry"
She lead him to a cubicle where Jac would be going back to after the scan.
Fletch tried to block out the noise of the ED and try to work out what had happened with Johnny.
Fletch heard Jac's voice speaking to one of the porters pushing her trolley, complaining that he should learn how to push in a straight line and avoid crashing into walls.
Fletch smiled to himself, that's the Jac I know and love
He stood up and drew the curtains back as he heard the trolley come to a standstill
"Hey you"  he smiled
"Hi" she scowled at the inept porter as they left
"I see you're back on form then"
"Honestly it was like being in the dodgems the amount of times it bashed off the wall"
"How you feeling?"
"Just a bit sore"
"Where are the kids?"
"I've got them holed up in the staff room with a stash of biscuits"
"They OK?"
"All fine" he paused "do you remember what happened?
"Johnny came round, steaming drunk and told me that they'd just found out that they can't have children and he thought it was ironic that they couldn't and we had six. He was quite aggressive and wanted to see Emma, obviously I tried to stop him  and he pushed me as we argued on the stairs, I stumbled and fell. The next thing I was aware of was you stroking my hair"
"I'll kick his head in" Fletch said quietly
"You  will do no such thing. I can't cope with you getting arrested. Anyway, did he get to see Emma?"
"No sweetheart. Your clever daughter didn't like the way her Daddy was speaking and felt scared. Because she was scared,she thought Luc might be too so she picked him up and locked them both in the bathroom. He slept through the whole thing"
"Typical. I'm so proud of Emma wanting to protect her little brother " Jac had tears running down her cheeks and Fletch was just tenderly wiping them away with his thumb when Elle came in with scan results
"Hello. Right we can start by taking this off" she removed the neck brace
"No worries with your neck and the head CT showed no bleed. Probably a little bruising and possibly concussion. You've got a couple of cracked ribs and your ankle is badly sprained so we'll strap that up for you. Any questions?"
"When can I go home?"
"Well with the head injury, I'd like to keep you in to be monitored over the next 6-8 hours then you're free to go"
"Thanks Elle" Fletch said
"6 - 8 bloody hours"
"Your injuries and time spent in hospital could be a hell of a lot worse. Can you imagine what I was going through when I saw you lying unconscious...again"
Fletch struggled to hold in a sob of relief
"Hey listen I'll be good girl and won't complain"
He raised his eyebrows
"Much" she laughed "anyway don't you think it's about time we started planning this wedding. I want to get you down the aisle before you decide I'm far too much trouble"
"You are far too much trouble but I love you so you don't get rid of me that easily. I can't wait to marry you"
He leant forward and hugged her lightly mindful of broken ribs
"I'm gonna sneak the kids in for a minute"
"That'd be great. Good luck keeping our lot quiet enough to sneak anywhere"
Our lot
"Tell me about it. I'll see what I can do"

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