At Jac's

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"So remember Emma's mummy is picking you up tonight and taking you to Emma's house for tea" Fletch reminded his son when he dropped him off in the morning, he told the crèche staff and made his way up to the ward.
"Morning everyone" he said cheerily as he entered
He was met with half hearted hellos
"What's happened?"
"We just found out that Mrs Cooper, you know the one who's on the transplant list died last night" Frieda told him
"Oh. Where's Jac she was really close to her"
"She went to her office"
"Ok I'll check on her. Is everyone else alright?"
"We're fine it's just a shock, we've all known her for so long"
"Yes. I'll ring her daughter in a little while too"
He knocked on Jac's door
"Come in Fletch" she knew it would be him
He could tell she'd been crying. She got up from her chair and he silently drew her into a hug
Gently stroking her hair he held her tight
"Sssh it's ok. I'm here sweetheart"
Eventually she pulled away furiously wiping tears from her face
"It's not fair Fletch. She was a lovely old lady with a lovely family. My god I think she's been on the brink of a transplant 3 times but each time it wasn't suitable or somebody's need was greater than hers"
"We can't save them all Jac"
"I know, I know and it's not like me to get so emotionally attached it's stupid"
"It's human" he reasoned
She gave a small laugh "Jac Naylor human, who knew"
He kissed her briefly.
"Are you still ok to have Theo later? We can postpone if you want"
"I think Emma would kill me and anyway it'll be good to have something to take my mind off this"
"Ok if you're sure. Just let me know if you change your mind. I'd better be off. I'm going to ring Mrs Cooper's daughter"
She caught his hand as he went to leave "let me. I'd like to call her and Fletch"
"Thank you"
He just smiled and walked out
Later Jac went to collect a very excited little boy from the crèche. She was sure that there would be a few raised eyebrows from the crèche staff but she smiled sweetly and picked him up with no drama
Blimey Theo can talk Jac thought to herself as they waited in traffic on the way to Emma's school. He can spout non stop drivel as well as his father she smirked. Most of it was rubbish but every now and then she paid more attention
"Emma's mummy?"
"Yes Theo. But you can call me Jac"
He sniggered "my brother calls you Jacula"
"I know"
"And Auntie Mo calls you Darth Naylor"
"I didn't know that" but she laughed "anyway what did you want to ask me"
"Do you like my Daddy?"
"Of course. Why?"
"Because he talks about you all the time I think he likes you too. I think you should get married"
Jac nearly choked "we can't get married darling we're just good friends"
"But if you got married, Emma could come and live with us and I could play with her all the time"
Jac laughed "That is true but it's not a reason to get married, we'll just have to make sure you see each other a bit more after school and weekends"
Eventually Jac got the excitable pair home and made a pasta bake for tea
Jac was tidying up whilst the kids were watching something on you tube. Her heart skipped a beat when the door bell rang heralding the arrival of Fletch.
"Christ you've got it bad Naylor" she said to herself as she went to open the door
"Hey" he said stepping inside "have you survived?" He gave her a quick peck on the lips
"Fine. They're just watching some funny cat videos or something on you tube. Got time for a drink"
"Oh I think I could stretch to that"
He walked into the living room to see the two giggling children
They barely acknowledged him
"I'm going to have a drink with Jac so you've got 15 minutes mate ok"
He took the grunt to mean that Theo had heard him
"Well they're pretty much unaware of anything going on around them" he said closing the kitchen door behind him. He stood behind Jac and put his arms round her, first sweeping her hair to one side to give him access to nuzzle her neck
Jac closed her eyes "Fletch you know what that does to me, you should probably stop" she moaned ever so softly
"Probably, especially if you're going to make those kind of sexy noises" with a final kiss against her neck he turned and sat at the table.
Jac sighed at the loss of physical contact
"Tea, coffee, beer, wine?"
"I'll have a small beer"
She joined him with a glass of wine and they chatted easily. Every now and then brushing fingers. The sexual tension was palpable
"We need to get done time alone" Jac breathed as he stroked the inside of her wrist
"We definitely do. Any ideas?"
"Guess we wait till Johnny has Emma again or get Sacha to babysit. He does at least know about this" she gestured between them
"I'm sure Nat's parents will have mine for a night"
"Is it awkward with them after, you know what happened with you and Nat"
Fletch had told her all about the affair that he had that ended his marriage
"They softened a bit towards me after Nat died and I stepped up. I'm still not their favourite person. Not only did I have the stupid affair, she fell over and ultimately died of the head injury because she was out with her mate akkakcelebrating our divorce. So pretty much my fault their daughter died"
She squeezed his hand "ok you're responsible for the marriage ending but it's not your fault she died from a freak accident Fletch"
He cleared his throat clearly emotional
"Anyway I'm sure they'll have them. They love the kids whatever they think of me" he cringed
"Well I love you. Don't forget it"
"I love you too. I really, really want to kiss you right now"
"Mmm sounds nice but kids have ears like bats and an uncanny knack of appearing at inopportune moments
"That is true" he said reaching across the table and kissing her anyway. Reluctantly they parted.
"Come on let's get you out. You're too much for me to resist Mr Fletcher"

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