Day out

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They went for breakfast at a local bistro and when they had finished Fletch was hurrying them out
"What are we doing now?" Jac said laughing as he took her hand
"Wait and see" he grinned
"You're enjoying this"
"I'm trying to woo you"
"Woo me? You do know me right?"
"Well yes I do. Prepare to be wooed"
She rolled her eyes
They eventually arrived at the outdoor ice rink
"Now" he said "I cannot skate to save my life, how about you"
Jac smirked "we used to bunk off school to go to the ice rink. Used to time our sessions to be as the ice hockey team were arriving to train"
"Naughty teenage Jac sounds interesting"
"Anyway my point is I'm a bit rusty but I used to be quite good "
"I'll be holding onto you then"
"Hmm we'll see" she said as they queued for skates
Fletch wasn't joking he really could not skate to save his life but eventually Jac took pity on him and held his hands, skating backwards herself and then as his confidence grew she was at his side and they skated round holding hands like teenagers but is was less about romance and more about keeping Fletch up on his feet
Afterwards they had a hot chocolate. Their cheeks were rosy from the cold and there were a few flakes of snow falling.
Next Fletch led them down to the river where they walked along to a pub tucked away under a bridge.
Log fires roared in the fire place and Jac gratefully sat near to warm up. Fletch presented her with the lunch menu and sat next to her
"What do you fancy?" Jac asked
Fletch replied by putting his hand gently on her knee
"Don't even say it Fletcher" she laughed
"Oh alright. I'm going to have a scotch broth and homemade bread"
They sat in comfortable silence after placing their lunch order
"So" Jac said "what are doing about the kids?"
"I think we need to at least give them the heads up that we are more than just friends" he teased
"I am sorry about that I did just panic. Plus once I tell Emma, I've basically told Johnny"
"Surely there's been others since Johnny. He's not going to think you've been living the life of a nun Jac"
"Obviously there have been others but none that have met Emma or that I've wanted to meet Emma"
"Until me" he said quietly
"What about you? Again you've hardly been celibate recently" she said with obvious reference to Abigail
"Low blow Jac. Truth is no one has met my kids in that way. They've had so much loss with their mum and Raf I needed to believe that whoever I introduced into their lives wouldn't leave"
"Wow. That's massive pressure"
"Look I would never say it wouldn't happen but the important thing is us giving this our best shot. If it all went pear shaped, as you put it then the kids - all of them will cope. They'll get over it. Not sure I ever would but we'd live"
"I'm certainly not planning on going anywhere" She gave him a peck on the lips "so mr romance what's after this?"
Fletch tapped his nose "wait and see Naylor. Wait and see"

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