One down, 3 to go

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Two days later everything seemed back to normal. The Fletcher crew was back and so was Emma.
Jac and Fletch had slipped back into only existing within the hospital walls. Sacha appeared to have kept to his word and Nicky was literally in fear for her life  if she told anyone what she saw so they were maintaining their secrecy. Fletch had just picked Theo up from the crèche when he bumped into Jac in the car park
"Look Daddy it's Emma's Mummy" Fletch smiled to himself "so it is"
They approached Jac who was wrestling with two bags and a lap top
"Need a hand Emma's mummy?"
Jac whipped round
"Oh hello Theo, Fletch"
"So need a hand?"
"If you could hold the door open please"
Finally sorted Jac turned to them pushing a stray piece of hair from her face
"Thanks. Hey Theo how's Crèche without Emma?"
"I miss her" he sniffed
"Well I think she misses you too. Why don't you come for tea one day. If it's ok with your Dad?"
Jac caught Fletch's eye as his eyebrows shot up
Theo turned expectantly to his father
"Can I Daddy please"
Fletch went down to his son's level "well since you asked so nicely and Emma's mummy is such a nice lady" Fletch could almost feel the eye roll "I think that would be ok"
Theo put his small arms around Fletch's neck and Jac's heart went to mush. For god sake Naylor
"Ok I'll talk to your Daddy about it but right now I'm late for picking her up. Bye"
"Bye" they both said
"I like Emma's mummy" Theo said innocently as they walked to the car
"Me too" Fletch smirked
Later that evening as had become the norm, Fletch rang Jac just before bed time
So Theo is quite taken with Emma's Mummy
Oh well that's a start. One down 3 to go
You know that eventually they will all accept you. Us
I know you keep telling me that kids adapt and take things in their stride much better than the grown ups but I 'm not known for my ability to make people like me
Fletch heart contracted at what she'd said. Such a crappy childhood and life in general had made her feel like this
Didn't take me long to take a look and like what I saw
Jac smiled at him referencing what he'd said just before their first kiss
Yeah well you're weird Fletcher
But you love me all the same he said cheekily
Alright don't get too big headed" she paused "do you think it was ok asking Theo to tea?"
"I think it's an excellent move. When were you thinking?"
"Emma nearly burst when I told her so what about tomorrow? I could pick Theo up from crèche and take him with me to get her from school and then back to mine?"
Fletch was slightly taken aback by her apparent enthusiasm
Ok good plan and I'll pick him up 6.30ish
Ok then. Night Fletch
Night sweetheart
Fletch was impressed and touched by how hard she was prepared to try with the whole families thing

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