Keep it safe

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"Ow. Oh my god" Jac woke with a start at the sudden sharp pain in her lower abdomen.
She moaned in pain again and drew her knees up to her chest. It was at this point that Fletch woke up
"What's wrong?" He said, his voice laden with concern
"I'm getting sharp pains" Jac clutched her stomach again
He sat up and rubbed her back
"Right, let's get you to hospital"
"No I'll be f.." Jacs words were cut off by another sudden pain
"Yeah I mean you sound fine. No arguments. I am going to ask Evie to keep an eye on the others, maybe get Sacha round."
Fletch gently woke Evie and told her what was happening and then went back to get Jac ready and into the car.
She went to the bathroom before going downstairs and noticed the red stain of blood on her pyjamas
"Fletch" she called with panic in her voice "I-I-I'm bleeding"
He was by her side immediately
"Come on it's ok. I've got clean clothes in the bag"
"I don't want to lose our baby Fletch"
"I know sweetheart and that's not going to happen now come on"
They raced to the ED all the while Jac was clutching her stomach
They were both recognised in the ED and whilst there are few perks in the NHS, on this occasion they were rushed through.
"How's the pain?" Fletch asked as they were waiting to have an ultrasound
"It's dying down a bit" Jac said quietly taking Fletch's hand
"Well this is a situation I could never have predicted" said Connie entering the cubicle with a portable ultrasound
Brilliant thought Jac
"Hi Mrs B"
"Fletch. From what I hear you're the father?"
"Of course he's the father, why else would he be here" Jac snapped
"Ok. Let's take a look at this little one. Cold gel, you know the drill Jac"
Connie slowly moved the probe over Jac's small bump. She smiled widely and turned the volume up
"Nice strong heartbeat and looks to be a good gymnast"
Jac choked back a sob as she looked at the monitor and felt Fletch squeeze her hand
"So there's no obvious sign of source of bleeding. Sometimes it just happens, could be a haematoma or from implantation. It's still early days Jac but I'm afraid you're going to have to take it easy. Probably bed rest for a couple of weeks"
"What? No!"
"Jac" said Fletch
"No Fletch I can't" Jac shouted
Fletch looked at her incredulously "For our baby? You can't take it easy for our baby?"
Fletch shook his head and walked out.
Fletch never walked out on her. Fletch was always by her side.
Connie eyed her sympathetically as Jac looked after Fletch.
Connie cleared her throat "You and I are very similar creatures Jac and I totally get why you're averse to taking it easy but this baby is as much your child as Emma. As Grace is mine and I know that despite what people think of us we would do anything for our children so if it means taking it easy for a couple of weeks you will do it and the man who just walked out will look after you. Do you see the way he looks at you?"
Jac listened to Connie and knew she was right
"Shit. I wish I wasn't so me"
Connie laughed "shall I go and get Fletch?"
"He's gone"
"I would like to bet a substantial amount of money that he's just outside. I'll send him in. If you promise to have a couple of weeks off then I'm happy to let you go home, if you're going to be stubborn then I'll be finding you a bed on obstetrics"
"No need for that, I'll be a good girl"
"Right" said Connie wheeling the machine out "I'll get Fletch" she paused "you're an unlikely couple if you don't mind me saying"
Jac smiled "we are an unlikely couple you're right"
"So I'm guessing his womanising ways are behind him"
"They'd bloody better be"
Connie chuckled "he's a good guy deep down"
A moment later as Jac was just straightening herself up Fletch came in
"I'm sorry" she said "of course I'm going to do anything I can for our baby it's just going to be quite hard for me to take it easy that's all"
"I'm sorry for walking out"
"It's ok. Thank you for being so calm"
"Are you joking? I was absolutely shitting myself. The baby, what your body's already been through...."
"You hid it well"
"There was no point getting you more worked up. Come on. Connie says if you behave yourself I can take you home"
"I need a hug first"
Fletch wrapped his arms round her
"Are you ever going to stop giving me heart attacks about your health?"
"Sorry. I must admit it's nice to have someone who cares. In years gone by no one would have cared if I lived or died"
He squeezed her extra tight "well that all changed when we met in the corridor and Ella called you Jacula, because from that point on somebody definitely cared if you were dead or alive"
"I love you" Jac said. Unusual for her to say it first Fletch was a little overwhelmed
"I love you too Jac."

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