Slightly different future

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At the hotel, Emma was required for a rehearsal dinner so Jac and Fletch were having dinner in the hotel restaurant
"Wine?" Fletch asked looking at the  wine list
Jac shook her head "I want to stay sober incase I need to step in with Emma and it will make me less likely to come out some sort of comment l'll regret"
"Fair enough. Mind if I have a pint or two"
"Go ahead"
They managed inane chit chat until Fletch was halfway down his second pint
"So in the car...."
"In the car..." she prompted
"Well seemed like you weren't that interested in talking about our future. almost as if you don't see us staying together.. but I can see our lives together"
Jac sighed and covered his hand with hers "I do see a future with you Fletch but I think it looks a bit different to your version" she paused and looked deep into his incredible eyes
"I'm pregnant Fletch"
The words hung between them
"I'm sorry you're what?"
"You heard I'm pregnant"
"Yes I mean how,when....what? Shit. Sorry I didn't mean shit."
"Don't worry that was pretty much my reaction in the loo for 10 minutes after taking the test"
"How are you?" He said, suddenly aware that he hadn't asked
"Tired, bit nauseous. Very painful boobs" she tried to lighten the mood "what do you think we should do?" She asked looking terrified of his answer
"That has to mostly be your decision Jac. I would worry constantly I mean your endometriosis, your one kidney, all the surgeries you've had since the shooting"
"I know it's a bloody miracle I'm alive never mind pregnant. And we already have our five. There's so many logical reasons why we shouldn't go through with this but I don't think I could get rid of something that we made together"
"Jac" Fletch had tears in his eyes "I'll support you whatever you decide. We can work it out - another addition to our rabble"
"Do you really think we could manage. We're not too old for all this?"
"Well neither of us are in the first flush of youth are we but  then we make up for it in experience"
"I'm so relieved you didn't go mad"
"You didn't really think I'd be angry did you?" He said incredulously "do you not realise how completely I love you?"
"I love you too"
He shuffled his chair round and leant forward to hug her. As she relaxed against him
"That's twice I've let a nurse get me pregnant by mistake!"she giggled
"How many weeks are you?"
"Well, you remember our final farewell at my house"
"Of course"
"And I'd had a tummy bug?"
"Oh. So your pill didn't work?"
"It would appear not. I just didn't think "
"Jac I can't deny that this is a shock but I'm really happy, what about you?"
"So happy" she said shyly "you know how I hate to be happy Fletch"
He laughed
"So our future is looking slightly different to what I imagined but you know what it's even better"
"You're getting your head round this quickly Fletcher"
"That is because I am an amazing human being"
"So modest. Fletch. Do you mind if we keep this to ourselves until I've had a scan?"
"Yeah course"

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