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Jac and Fletch managed to snatch a few moments together as everyone else was seated for the meal
"We did it then" Fletch said  kissing her chastely
"We certainly did. No getting rid of me now Fletcher"
"As if I would ever want to. You look stunningly beautiful by the way"
"Yeah you mentioned" she said cheekily
"And you look very handsome"
"Stop that, being complimentary doesn't suit you"
"Alright" she laughed "how about I think you look very nice in your suit but actually I just want to get you out of it"
"Now you're talking" he said and pulled her in for a more passionate kiss
They were disturbed by the master of ceremonies coughing discreetly to get their attention.
"Are you ready to go in now?"
"Yes. Sorry" Fletch said blushing as Jac giggled
"How shall I announce you?"
"The bride and groom?" Fletch offered checking with Jac
She shook her head "Mr and Mrs Fletcher"
Fletch's eyebrows raised in surprise "are you actually trying to kill me with happiness?" He  smiled and took her hand
"Ladies and gentlemen, please be up standing for the new Mr and Mrs Fletcher"
They made their way to the top table and took their places. After the meal it was time for speeches. In the absence of a father of the bride it fell to Sacha, as the person giving her away to say a few words
"As most of you know Jac and I have been friends for many years. Our love lives are littered with disasters" he paused as people chuckled "and if I had taken her advice on a couple of occasions then I would have saved myself a lot of trouble but love makes you do irrational stupid things. And maybe today is her irrational stupid thing but I have never seen her as happy as she has been since she finally admitted how she felt about Fletch. Please raise your glasses and toast my best friend and her happy ending. To Jac and Fletch"
The guests stood and joined Sacha in the toast
Next was Fletch
"Firstly thank you all for turning up today. I am sure many of you wouldn't have thought we'd make it this far or even get together at all with all the dancing around each other we did." Jac rolled her eyes
"I am told that I am to say thank you to the bridesmaids and comment on how beautiful my wife looks. I've already told her today that she looks stunning as do the bridesmaids, our daughters and my best friend" he looked affectionately over at four girls
"Many of you will know the reputation of the great Jac Naylor in her realm of Holby City. Hard, devoid of emotion - the ice queen" more eye rolling from Jac
"I think she will agree that it has always annoyed her that I never believed that persona, could see through her and she never scared me" she glared at him "until now"he added but then she laughed
"As I said we danced round each other for over a year before we finally got together after a couple of false starts. I'm told by some of you that anyone with eyes and a heart could tell that we should be together way before we did. Love creeps up on you sometimes and then something happens and you suddenly realise that you're completely in love with that person. Sitting by a hospital bed more times than I care to remember focuses your mind and your heart on the person who lies there hovering between life and death" he squeezed Jac's hand
"But when you can't believe that someone as amazing as Jac would be at all interested in a single dad of four. A nurse. It's easy to miss any signs of affection that she allowed herself to show but I am also told, by my wife, that being irritatingly persistent and encouraging her to follow her heart not her head, eventually paid off and the rest as they say is history. Our families are one and we have our own little boy to keep us on our toes. So it just remains for me to say I don't have the words to express how much I love you Jac and thank you for supporting me, loving me and finally marrying me. A toast to Jac"
Again everyone raised their glass as Fletch leant down to kiss a very embarrassed looking Jac
The final speech was from Emily
"Hi everybody, a lot of you won't know me, in fairness Jac only met me just over 3 weeks ago and I am the reason that the wedding was organised in such a rush. I should explain that I am Jac's maid of honour and Fletch's 'best man'. He has of course paid me a substantial amount of money to keep certain details out of this speech but I hope I can think of at least some embarrassing situations. We have known each other literally all our lives -mum's having met on the maternity ward. I surprised Jac when we first met by telling her that I was his first wife... at the tender age of 5"
A lot of 'awws' from the guests
"We played a lot of pranks on our mothers, cling film on the toilet, salt in the sugar bowl, all the usual. We must have been a nightmare"
Emily laughed "we used to drive each other crazy as well. The time I fiddled with the timer so that the bleached blonde tips that he was aiming for ended up green after leaving the dye on too long and on the subject of hair I think he has destroyed every photo of him with the infamous footballer's perm" everyone laughed
"Fletch has always been popular with the ladies. One  school disco ended up with two girls physically fighting over who would dance with him by which point he was snogging someone else out the back of the hall. Of course after I moved to the States we saw less of each other so I guess his embarrassing stories were censored by him although there were too many drunken mistakes to mention. Even though we don't see each other often, I know he is always there for me and now I don't have much longer I am so grateful to be here today to see you so happy. To see you both so happy. It is a great comfort to me to know that when I am gone you are surrounded by all this love and I relinquish my title of best friend to your beautiful wife. Fletch I love you as a brother. Congratulations. To Jac and Fletch"
Almost everyone in the room had tears in their eyes. Evie was sobbing.
The rest of the evening was spent dancing and everyone singing along to old classics.
"Thank you so much for looking after Luc" Jac said to Sarah. "I've enjoyed it and we'll take him home soon so you can enjoy your night here" she wiggles her eyebrows
Jac cringed
"How are you?" She gently touched Sarah's arm
"Oh well you know it sucks but at least she's let me back in" she gave Jac a wobbly smile
"Hi" Fletch said bending to kiss first his son, second his wife and third Sarah
"Where's trouble?" He asked, absentmindedly stroking Jac's bare shoulder inadvertently sending tingles all down her body
"I think she went outside for some fresh air"
"Ok. I'm going to go out and see her"
Fletch found Emily sitting on a bench outside
"Hey you" he said
"Hi. You ok ?"
"Yeah just came to say thanks"
"For what?"
"Making me cry on my wedding day"
"Oh shut up you'd be crying anyway you soft wuss"
"Oi" he protested
"You cried last time"
"Well I was massively hungover and it felt like  that day would never end"
Emily laughed "You look so much more relaxed and happy this time "
"Oh god I am. I really am"
They instinctively held onto each other, synchronising their breathing.
Jac came to the door holding Luc, by her side was Sarah.
"Have you seen them?" Sarah commented
Jac smiled "I like the idea of those two running around terrorising people"
"Me too. I bet they drove their. Mothers round the bend" Sarah agreed
"But you know what, they are both able to charm the birds out of the trees so they probably got away with a lot of it"
"I love her so much Jac" Sarah said "I don't know how I 'm going to manage without her"
"She gave you the option of leaving but you fought your way back in so you're just going to have to manage" Jac said bluntly
Sarah laughed "well that was my first taste of suck it up from ice queen Jac"
"Sarah that's me being nice" she paused "You and Fletch are going to need each other when the time comes and this family will always be there for you"
Fletch opened his eyes to see his wife and child standing with Sarah  watching them
Jac smiled and walked over to him
"Do you want to say goodnight to your son?"
"Of course" he kissed Luc on the forehead "goodnight little man"
Jac handed Luc to Emily. She took Fletch by the hand
"The others are with Sacha and Essie, so let's say goodnight because I have plans for you mister"
"Mrs Fletcher" he teased, again stroking her bare shoulders
"I like it when you call me that and I really like it when you do that"
"Hey kids. Time to go home with Uncle Sacha. Sarah and Emily are taking Luc" said Fletch
"Night night Mummy" a sleepy Emma held arms out wanting to be picked up
"Have you had a nice day baby?"
"Yes. You look pretty "
"Well So do you. Good night kiss now"
Evie hugged the newly weds crying as she had been all day
"Alright Jacula" said Mikey "reckon you're officially the wicked step mother now"
"Well yes that's right so you'd better watch yourself Michael " she laughed
Ella and Theo were already asleep on the couch next to Essie and Sacha.
"Ok. Well your taxis should be here soon I think we're going to turn in" Jac said blushing furiously
The adults tried to stifle their sniggers as Jac and Fletch headed for the lift hand in hand
Once inside Fletch carried on his assault on her bare neck and shoulders
Jac moaned softly "mmm don't start that in the lift cos I'm going to want to do stuff to you that should not happen in public"
Fletch chuckled "do you even know how much I love you?"
"I think I've got a pretty good idea" she said drawing his lips down to hers

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