What have you done?

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Johnny just stared at Jac but then turned away and called for Emma again
Emma had heard Jac and Johnny and she didn't like how her Daddy was talking she had never known him speak like that. When she heard Jac scream she got really scared and ran into Jac and Fletch's room and carefully picked up a sleeping Luc and locked them both in the bathroom.
Soon Johnny was banging on the door.
"Emma it's Daddy, come out now"
"No" Emma cried "I 'm scared"
"Emma" he said more harshly "come out this instant"
Emma started crying softly worried that she was going to wake Luc up
"I want my mummy" she cried
Johnny calmed his voice down
"But I'm your Daddy darling come on I want to see you"
Emma apparently was as strong and stubborn as her mother
"No" she said again
Downstairs Jac was still unconscious as Fletch and his kids came in chattering and laughing
Fletch was hanging everybody's coats up when Evie gasped at the sight of Jac
"Dad come quick it's Jac"
"What is it... Oh my god"he knelt down next to her and took her pulse and checked her breathing
"Jac. Jac darling can you hear me" he gently shook her
She moaned but wasn't fully aware, it was at that point where he heard Johnny asking for Emma to come out
"Stay with her and phone an ambulance" Fletch instructed Evie "Mikey get a blanket to cover her"
Fletch bounded up the stairs to find Johnny slumped against the bathroom door
"Maconie. What the fuck have you done"
Johnny was sobering up a little "I came round to see Emma"
"Explain to me then why Jac is laid out unconscious at the bottom of the stairs?"
"There was an accident "
"An accident. Why are you not down there checking she's alright?"
"Is she?"
"Well she's alive but there's an ambulance on the way. Where's Emma?"
"She's in the bathroom. She won't come out"
Johnny said standing up "I should go"
"Yeah you go but if I find out you caused Jac to be badly hurt... or worse I will hunt you down"
Johnny hung his head and left the house
"Emma sweetheart it's Fletch. Your Daddy has gone will you come out please"
The little girl tentatively opened the door revealing that she also had Luc
"Oh baby you took Luc in there with you as well?"
"I didn't like the way Daddy was speaking and I was scared and I thought Luc might be as well but he's just been asleep "
Fletch enveloped them both in a famous Fletcher hug. Overwhelmed by how brave and clever this little girl was "well done Emma that was very clever of you to go to the bathroom "
He took Luc from her
"Where's mummy, I heard her scream when she was telling Daddy that he wasn't allowed to see me today"
So Johnny was definitely next to her when she fell
"Well she's still a bit asleep but we're taking her to hospital to get the doctors and nurses to check she's alright"
"Will she be ok?" Emma looked at Fletch, her big blue eyes brimming with tears
"I hope so darling, I hope so"

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