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It was the night before the wedding and Fletch and Emily went to Jac's house where Sacha was still living. He was giving Jac away the next day so Emily joined the men in her capacity as best man.
"Sure Jac can manage without you?" asked Fletch
"You do know Jac right? She's got things totally under control"
"She's magnificent not to mention scary when she's in full Naylor mode" observed Sacha
"Hey is she going to change her name? Jac Fletcher. Not bad" Emily said
"I don't know if she'll change her name. We haven't spoken about it. I doubt whether she will at work"
"Fair play. I wouldn't want to be linked to you either" she said cheekily
"Oi. I married you once did you change your name Jameson?"
"Oh shush you fool"
Luckily Jac had warned Sacha about Fletch and  Emily and their 'marriage '
"So" said Sacha "have you got your best man's speech sorted out?"
"I've got a few ideas" Emily laughed
"Christ" smiled Fletch affectionately
How is this woman dying? He thought, although over the last couple of weeks she'd been getting more headaches, her balance was sometimes a little off and she more easily tired
"So" said Emily "shots?"
"Shots" agreed Fletch
"Jac's gonna kill you" chuckled Sacha
Over at the Fletcher's everyone was showered and ready for the next day. Jac had just settled Luc down when the doorbell rang.
"Evie babe can you get that?" She called
"Yeah no problem"
Evie answered the door to a petite brown haired woman with a suitcase
"Hi sweetie is Emily here?"
"Erm no she's not"
"Who is it?" Jac said coming down the stairs
"Someone for auntie Emily"
"Hello I'm Jac. Are you a friend of Emily's"
"I'm her partner. I'm Sarah"
"Oh OK come in"
Jac ushered Sarah through to the kitchen
"I'm afraid Emily's not here tonight. I don't know whether she told you about her friend Fletch and me getting married. It's tomorrow so she's on best man duty tonight. I can easily get you a taxi round there"
"Hmm. We didn't part on great terms, I don't even know if she'll want to see me"
"Oh?"Jac queried "is this a cup of tea or glass of wine story?"
Sarah laughed "more like a bottle"
Sarah told Jac the story of how they met and fell in love and how they found out Emily was sick
"She thinks she's protecting me by distancing herself . As if it's going to hurt any less if I'm not with her at the end" Sarah sighed "all I wanted to do was spend what time she had left together "
"We all try and protect the people we love" Jac said "Fletch and I nearly didn't get together because I was scared of hurting him, hurting his kids. I haven't got the best track record but in the end I love him too much not to take the chance and now we have a baby together and we're getting married tomorrow"
"Bit of a fairytale"
"He's no Prince Charming and we've had our share of difficult times"
"You see that's my point you stuck together through thick and thin"
"Fletch was persistent no matter how many times I pushed him away. If you love her keep telling her until she can't do anything but be with you. I'm going to ring a taxi and then I 'm going to ring Fletch and warn him"
"And you want to hear his voice ?" Said Sarah cheekily
Jac laughed "and I want to hear his voice"
Jac packed Sarah off in a taxi and told her she would see her at the wedding the day after. Then she rang Fletch
"Hey you" he answered seeing the caller id
"Is it not unlucky or something to talk to each other the night before the wedding"
"That's about you not seeing the dress. Anyway I'm sending a little present over for Emily"
"What is it?"
"It's her girlfriend Sarah"
"Sarah? I'm sure Emily said in an email that they'd split up"
"Well Emily pushed her away when she found out she was sick. Didn't want her to get hurt. Sound familiar?"
"Hhmn So what did you say?"
"I told her that being a persistent pain in the arse worked for you and that if she keeps telling her she loves her and doesn't let her push her away Emily might have no choice just like me"
"Check you out Naylor giving out relationship advice. Anyway Emily gets a present ,where's mine ?"
"You pissed Fletcher?"
"Might have had a few shots. Never mind that, where's my present" he asked
"You'll have to wait until tomorrow night"
"Urgh. This stupid rule of not being together the night before the wedding"
"I miss you too" she laughed "don't give away the surprise before Sarah gets there"
"Ok. I'll see you tomorrow sweetheart"
"I love you" she replied
"Me too. Night night"

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