Take me home

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Fletch went outside and dialled Evie's number
"Hi it's me"
"Dad what's happening, is everything alright?"
"Yes, yes Jac had Luc a few minutes ago. He's a little bit early but he's absolutely fine. Will you tell everyone please. I'll be home later, I'm not sure when they'll let them come home. Be good for Uncle Sacha ok?"
"Ok dad" Evie laughed at her dad hardly taking a breath because of his excitement
Fletch went up to Darwin to tell the staff up there not to expect him and Jac for some time
Eventually he went back down to maternity. Jac's room was empty. Fletch rushed to the front desk
"Jac Naylor? Where is she please"
"Oh Mr Fletcher we tried to call you" the midwife took his arm
"The placenta was not coming away so we took her into theatre for a routine procedure"
"But...." said Fletch recognising the tone he had used many times himself
"But she haemorrhaged pretty badly and they're just giving her a blood transfusion now I believe"
"Is she going to be alright?"
"She lost a lot of blood, that's all I know"
"Where's my son, she would want me to take care of him"
"He's just with the student midwife over there"
Fletch took a sleeping Luc from the student and went to sit outside theatre where they were still stabilising Jac
"Your mummy has got to stop doing this to me Luc Fletcher"
Fletch absentmindedly stroked Luc's tiny fingers and prayed that the little boy's mother would pull through....again
A second later an unconscious Jac was wheeled through and into the recovery bay.
Fletch sat next to her bed cradling their son
"Please wake up" Fletch said quietly
Moments later Jac's eyes fluttered
"Fletch" she croaked
"Hi" he smiled "you are taking the piss with this nearly dying trick"
"Sorry. It's not like I did any of it on purpose"
"I know sweetheart I'm joking. I'm just relieved"
"He's sleeping?" Jac gestured to Luc
"Yeah don't worry it won't last"
"When can I go home?"
"Not sure sweetheart, you lost a lot of blood, you've had your transfusion but I imagine they'll want to keep an eye on you at least overnight"
"Urgh. I want to trade in this stupid body"
"I'm very fond of your body"
She rolled her eyes "shut up Fletcher" Jac yawned widely
"Listen, I'm gonna get kicked out of here soon so I'm going to put baby Fletcher in this cot next to you"
"He's got a name" Jac said sleepily
"I know but baby Fletcher sounds cute. The midwife said you should rest so if he wakes and you're not up to it they'll take him"
"Ok" she said closing her eyes
"Night my darling"
It was still only early evening when Fletch left the hospital. He pulled out his phone and called Evie
"Hey Dad"
"Evie I need your help"
"What for?"
"I want you to help me pick out an engagement ring for Jac"
"Yay. Course I will"
"The shopping centre 's still open and there's a couple of expensive jewellers there. Be ready in 10 minutes"
Fletch picked her up and they were soon looking at an array of engagement rings
"Urgh there's too much choice" Fletch complained
"No" Evie said "That's the one "
She pointed out an understated solitaire diamond in a bezel setting on a platinum band
"That's it" she said "it's so Jac"
"I know what you mean. I can't explain it"
Happy with their choice they arranged to collect it a week later
The next morning Fletch bounded onto the maternity ward.
"Morning"  he said with some surprise to see Jac sitting up in bed tucking into porridge
"Hi" she said "if I'm a good girl and you're ok with it I can come home today"
"Oh that's why you're being all perky"
"Fletch I can't stand the fluffy baby talk and as for midwives what planet are they from? I'm fine I just want to take our son home"
"Come on then Polly Anna. Let's go tell them that I'm definitely ok with it"
She smiled that smile that she saved only for him.
"Take me home Fletch"

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