Home sweet home

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They pulled up outside Fletch's house.
"Home sweet home"
They got out of the car and went in
"This feels weird" Jac said standing in the living room
"What you've been here before to pick Emma up from a play date with Theo"
"I know but it's different"
He dumped his bag and went over to Jac and began to gently stroke her forearms
"Hey come on. It's ok, there's just us here"
He kissed her forehead and enveloped her in his trademark hug.
"Mmm" she inhaled his scent "you smell like expensive hotel bubbles" she laughed
"I took some complimentary bottles of that and shampoo and stuff, wanna share a bath?"
"I really do" she reached up and began kissing and nuzzling his neck
He groaned "god Jac, the things you do to me. I can't believe we haven't been doing this for the past year"
"I know let's make up for lost time then"
Some time later they were still soaking in the bath.
Jac laid her head back "mmm I could stay here all day" She nearly said 'forever" but thought he might freak out
"You'd end up like a prune"
She splashed him playfully
"Hey I'm gon....... ssh did you hear something?"
They both stilled and listened.
"Dad are you here?"
Evie's voice made them look at each other with panicked eyes.
"Shit" Jac mouthed
"I'm in the bath babes. Everything ok?" He called trying to ignore Jac sensually moving her legs over his
"Just popped back for my phone charger. I'm going back to grandad's now ok"
"Ok babes I'll see you tomorrow. Bye"
"Phew that was close " Fletch said as they heard the door close "you weren't exactly helping matters Naylor"
"Can't help it if I find you irresistible"
Later they were having a coffee
"I'd better get back Sacha will be wondering where I am and will quickly put 2 and 2 together"
"Ok" he said reluctantly. He had hoped she would stay over but that would definitely raise questions in Sacha's mind
They drove back to Jac's . It seemed that no one was back yet.
"Come in for a bit. It's perfectly innocent if anyone arrives. You've just given me a lift home it's only natural that I ask you in for a drink" Jac just wanted to extend their time together. Fletch knew exactly what she was doing and felt the same so happily agreed to go in just as the first snowflakes began to fall.
"Getting them both a glass of red wine they sat on the sofa. Legs just touching. Both their hands resting on Jac's knee
"Do you think they're alright?" Jac wondered "It's been ages. I'm just going to give Sacha a call"
"It's starting to come down thick now look" Fletch glances out at the falling snow and darkened sky
"Hi Jac"
"Where are you. I'm getting worried"
"Oh sorry darling I should have called you. They brought us back to the hotel because the weather's really closing in. There's a lot of snow up here"
"Oh it's only just started here"
"Fletch took care of you then"
Jac suppressed a giggle "yes Fletch took care of me"
It was Fletch's turn to roll his eyes
"Good. Glad you're home safe. We're going to be holed up here at least tonight"
"At least you're safe"
"Odd thing happened when we came back. The receptionist asked us where our friend and her husband were"
"Husband? Obviously got the wrong person"
Fletch had a twinkling mischievous look in his eye
"That's what I said but she was adamant that a man turned up last night saying he was your husband and wanted to surprise you for new year"
"Clearly mistaken" she kicked Fletch as he started kissed the inside of her wrists
"Hmm. Thing is the person she described sounded very much like Fletch"
Jac nearly choked on her wine
"Yes Fletch" Sacha chuckled "and I did think it was odd when you didn't come down to breakfast. It's not like to turn down a full English"
"Erm...uh" Jac floundered . All of a sudden Fletch grabbed the phone off her
"Sacha you're right it was me but can you keep it under your hat mate. Happy New Year" he hung up before Sacha could answer
Jac stood opened mouthed at Fletch
"What did you go that for?"
"Jac -there was no way we were gonna get out of that so might as well come clean. reckon we can trust Sacha to be discreet "
"Sacha is an old woman with gossip"
"Yeah he thinks just because he only tells a couple of people that he can keep a secret"
"But those people are invariably Dom and Essie?"
"Oh shit sorry Jac"

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