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Fletch and Emily looked at each other and burst out laughing
"Yes it was a beautiful service. The bride wore a net curtain" Fletch said
"And the groom wore shorts and a t shirt" added Emily
Jac looked between them. The man she loved and this whirlwind of blonde curls and perfect teeth
"Jac" laughed Fletch "Emily is my first wife.We were 5"
"We were on holiday in the Isle of Wight with our families. Our mums met in hospital and we all used to knock about together. One rainy afternoon we decided that I would marry Jeremy"
"Jerry" corrected Fletch
"Oh yeah he thought he'd be cooler if we called him Jerry"
"Wrong" they both said at once laughing
"He was staying at the same B and B as us and we kind of bullied him into doing what we wanted. I wanted to play getting married but he bottled it because he thought he would have to kiss me" Emily laughed
"So Fletch stepped up to the challenge"
"Sounds like Fletch" Jac commented
"Oi. It was very pure and beautiful. Emily had a very fetching net curtain which we'd taken down"
"Poor old Jerry got the blame for that"
"Serves him right for not playing"
Jac sat listening, Fletch's childhood sounded completely different to her own. Yes he had all the shit with his dad but he also had this kind of fun
"Wonder what became of Jerry" Emily said whistfully
"Hey Em I was sorry to hear about your mum. I couldn't make it over for the funeral"
"Don't worry hun"
"So what are you doing here now?"
"Well I found some of mum's diaries when I was clearing her stuff out and decided to have a little tour of Britain round some of her old haunts"
"Emily's family moved to America when you were what 13?"
Explains the perfect teeth thought Jac
"I was devastated" Fletch said dramatically
"Oh shut up you" Emily punched him lightly "I mean I come hone quite often but I've never been to her student haunts before. I thought I'd call in on you whilst I was  in the area"
"Are you staying over? "
"Haven't you got a house full?" She smiled at Jac "congratulations on your new addition by the way"
"Thanks. I'm sure we could squeeze you in" Jac found it impossible to dislike this girl
"Is that auntie Emily?" Evie stood at the top of the stairs
"Hey Evie"
Evie bounded downstairs and hugged Emily
Wow apparently the whole family love her
"Why don't you bunk in with Evie?"
"Ooh girl talk great"
"Have a drink first?"Fletch offered
"You know what I would love a cup of tea. You just can't get decent tea in the states"
"I'll get it" said Jac
"You will not, you'll rest that ankle"
Jac rolled her eyes
"Don't worry hun, he's always been overprotective when it comes to family"
Jac smiled to herself - family
Later Jac and Fletch were lying in bed listening to giggling coming from Evie's room
"So Fletch anything ever happen between you two after the age of five?"
"Are you jealous?" Fletch teased reaching over to peck her on the lips
"No" she said indignantly "well alright a bit. Can you blame me you're so close and comfortable with each other"
"Jac I have known her literally all my life. She's the sister I never had so first of all eww and secondly I am lacking in the boob department"
"She's gay?"
"Yep. Fully paid up card carrying lesbian."
"So being married to you at age of five put her off men for life?"
"Oh ha ha. You're lucky you're injured or cheek like that would not go unpunished"
I love this he thought as Jac laid her head on his chest

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