I want you with me

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Well that was unexpected thought Jac. Not the fact that someone had sent a card to Fletch because obviously she could see the attraction. What was surprising was her reaction. Totally confident that Fletch would not be interested in Sidney Sommers and confident enough  in their relationship to tell her that they were together.
Meanwhile Fletch and Frieda were just arriving at the hospital to retrieve the donor heart.
"Oh I always hate this bit" Fletch commented as they were shown into a boardroom to discuss who was getting what from the young man who had crashed his motorbike and sustained a massive head injury.
They were assigned theatre time and went to scrub in.
"Retrieving a heart on Valentine's Day. Quite poetic really"
"Fletch concentrate" Frieda snapped. He wondered again if she should really be at work after Roman had died
Soon they were in an ambulance car speeding towards Holby with a window of just 4 hours for the heart to be transplanted into the woman that Jac was preparing.
Suddenly the car came to an abrupt stop to narrowly avoid crashing into the car in front
"Shit what was that?" Asked Fletch
"Looks like a pile up mate" the driver said
Fletch and Frieda looked at each other
"Oh come on then" Frieda sighed
"We're just gonna take a look mate. Can you ring Holby, explain and make sure the emergency services know about this crash but also that there's a human heart that we need back ASAP"
"Will do" said the driver
Fletch and Frieda tentatively walked along the line of cars
Most had whiplash and were in shock but generally ok
At the front of the queue was a lorry that had ploughed into the central barrier. As they arrived the driver was climbing out of his cab
"Alright mate. My name's Fletch, I'm a nurse. This is Dr Petrenko. How are you?"
They man looked grey and sweaty
"I don't know what happ......"
He collapsed at their feet
"chudovo" Frieda said kneeling next to the man
"chudovo?" Said Fletch as he joined her
"It means 'oh great'. You ready to start CPR Fletch?" She said undoing the man's jacket
They had been resuscitating the man for 20 minutes before the ambulance arrived. The paramedics took over
"Where will you take him?" Asked Fletch
"Probably Holby - that's a cardio centre of excellence. You medically trained?"
"Nurse. Doctor" he gestured to himself and Frieda
"Oh right. Where do you work"
Fletch smirked "Cardiothoracic unit at Holby"
The paramedic laughed "priceless"
"Hey mate. We've got a heart that needs to get to Holby ASAP but our car is stuck back there. Can we hitch a lift?"
"I don't see why not. Probably only got room for one of you though"
"You go Fletch there's a perfectly good surgeon when you get back and she's going to want her best nurse in theatre with her. I'll stay here and start assessing the walking wounded"
"Ok. I'll just get the heart" Fletch jogged back to the car
"I'm getting a lift on the Ambulance mate" he told the driver
A call had come through to the ward about a motorway pile up that may delay the heart
Nicky relayed the news to Jac
"Oh my god" Jac went white "Fletch" she glanced at Nicky's raised eyebrow "and Frieda obviously. Look I know you saw me and Fletch when it snowed. I'm worried that he's involved in it but if you know what's good for you,  you'll keep it buttoned"
"Yes Miss Naylor"
Jac retreated to her office. Pacing she held her mobile in her hand trying to decide whether to ring Fletch or not. She nearly dropped it when it rang
The caller id was a picture of Fletch in the snow
Her heart was pounding
Are you alright. I heard about the crash
I'm in the back of an ambulance
You're what? What's wrong? Are you injured
Fletch was quite touched by the level of concern displayed by the ice queen for him
Hey it's fine. I'm fine. Frieda and I worked on a guy who'd had a heart attack. The ambulance are bringing him to Holby and I cadged a lift with the donor heart cos our car is stuck in the tailback caused by the accident
But you're ok she checked
Jac I'm fine. I'll be with you soon. Do you want your favourite nurse to scrub in for the transplant
Yes Fletch I want you with me. Very much

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