Breaking the news

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A week later it was the date of the first scan. Jac and Fletch were sitting in the waiting room hoping not to be seen by anyone they knew. Whilst them being a couple was old news, them having a baby together was a different level of gossip all together.
Luckily the woman conducting the scan was a locum, not  only did she not know who they were she didn't know anyone else in the hospital.
Jac lay on the bed holding Fletch's hand. Both their heads turned to the monitor which suddenly sprang into life. Their baby was very active and had a strong heartbeat. Given Jac's age they'd been offered various tests to check for abnormalities. They'd unanimously decided not to do these due to the risk to the unborn child and so they were relieved when they saw the screen.
"Everything looks great Ms Naylor" said the sonographer taking final measurements "do you want a scan picture?"
"Yes we do" Fletch interjected when it seemed that Jac was close to tears and couldn't speak.
"Great. I'll let you get cleaned up and use the loo and I'll bring the photos out to you"
She left the room and Fletch looked at Jac's eyes brimming with tears
"I hope those are happy tears Naylor"
Jac gave a small laugh "of course they're happy tears. I'm just relieved because at my age and after everything I was convinced...."
"Hey sshh come on ice queen"
She punched him on the chest as he hugged her.
"I don't like being a gibbering wreck Fletch it's these bloody hormones"
"Obviously" Fletch grinned to himself. Nothing to do with the fact that it she was actually human and had been worried sick about the scan.
"I think it's time we told the kids"
"If you're sure"
"Well I don't think I'm going to be able to hide this much longer" said Jac placing her hand on her small bump
"Ok then, let's tell them today. It occurs to me that they don't know you agreed to marry me either"
"You're right. I think Emma must have been too tired to remember she heard us talking about it"
Later when everyone was sat down for tea Fletch made an announcement
"So we have news" he said
Five expectant faces turned towards him
"Jac and I are getting married" and before anyone could react Jac added
"And I'm having a baby"
The split second of silence was disconcerting but was quickly broken by a barrage of questions and a level of eww and disinterest from the boys. Mostly positive other than Evie stating they were too old and wasn't it about time her dad learned to keep it in his pants.
Jac sniggered at that comment
"I know we're ancient but we've had a scan and the baby is fine and it takes two Evie"
"Oh my god"said Evie blushing "that's an image I don't want to think about" but she was laughing
"I'd better get a good dress out of this for the wedding"
She got up and hugged her dad "I'm really pleased for you" she turned to Jac "pleased for you both. You've made him really happy"
"Thanks babe" Fletch said
"Mummy can I be a bridesmaid again?" Asked Emma
"Of course darling you and Ella and Evie. What do you think about having a new brother or sister?"
Emma shrugged "mmm it's ok I can help you look after it mummy"
"Well that's good. I think I'm going to need you all to help me. It's a very important job to be a big sister"
"Is it?"
"Very important, just ask Evie" Fletch said winking at his eldest daughter. She rolled her eyes but he knew that she was very fond of Emma so would play along
Eventually everyone had gone leaving Fletch and Jac to tidy up.
"You put your feet up, I'll do this" he said kissing her forehead
Jac yawned "if you're sure. I am tired. Urgh Maybe I am too old to be growing a whole new person"
"Don't be silly just rest when you can"
She mused at how her circumstances now compared to when she was pregnant with Emma couldn't be more different and this time she was truly happy.
About a week later it seemed that all might change

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