The End

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Three months later Sarah had called Fletch and told him Emily was asking for him. It seemed she was near the end now and so one Saturday morning, Jac dropped her husband off at the airport to go to see his best friend die.
"Tell her...tell her.."Jac choked back a sob
Fletch nodded holding onto her tight "I know sweetheart I will"
It was a long flight and Fletch reminisced about the times he'd had with Emily. The scrapes they got into . He smiled sadly to himself. So not fair. Emily, Raf. He was so lucky to have Jac in his life.
Sarah met him at the airport and took him back to their house. Emily wanted to die at home.
Fletch was only partially prepared for the sight of Emily.
Painfully thin. Hooked up to painkillers and oxygen Emily was still in Fletch's opinion gorgeous. Her eyes though no longer sparkled with mischief.
"Hey trouble. What's the big idea bringing me half way across the world" he kissed her cheek
"Well excuse me for being on death's door" she joked
"I'm ordering pizza" Sarah said leaving the two friends together
They talked late into the night, reminiscing and laughing. Eventually Emily was tired.
"Fletch stay with me while I fall asleep" she said holding her hand out to him
Instantly he thought of all the times he'd done that for Jac
"Ok. I'm good at that" he smiled
Over the next few days Emily's condition worsened and late one afternoon she passed away peacefully, Sarah and Fletch holding a hand each.
Fletch called Jac. She was at work but seeing it was his name on the caller id and knowing he wouldn't normally call in the middle of the day, she excused herself from the ward round she took the call in her office
"Hey" she said in a sympathetic voice
"She's gone" Fletch said choking back a sob
"Oh darling I'm so sorry. Stupid question but how are you and Sarah?"
He sighed "we're ok. It was very peaceful in the end"
"When's the funeral?"
"I'm not sure sweetheart, I'll let you know how long I need to stay. Will you tell the kids please"
"Of course. Don't worry about things here. I've got it covered"
Jac had the difficult job of telling the kids later that evening. Evie was distraught knowing her the best.
"I want to go out to the funeral but I'm really sorry I don't think I can take you all with me so I'm going to ask Sacha and Essie to look after you. Would that be ok?"
"Can I come?" Asked Evie
"Darling I think your dad might kill me if I took you with me with your exams being so close. I'm sorry. Remember her as she was, full of life and a bit crazy"
Evie smiled at the memory
Jac knew that Fletch would tell her not to go to the funeral but after all the times he'd supported her over the years there was nothing on this earth that could stop her.
The day of the funeral was bright and sunny
Just like the woman herself thought Fletch as he opened the curtains.
He was standing looking out of the window, dressed for the funeral far too early when a voice brought him out of his thoughts
"Nice suit Mr Fletcher"
He spun round in shock
"Jac. What are you doing here?"
"Nice welcome"she smiled
"Oh my god" Fletch started crying and rushed over to her. Holding each other tightly
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming? I could've picked you up at the airport"
"If I told you I was coming you would have tried to talk me out of it"
He nodded in agreement "I would but I can't tell you how pleased I am that you're here. Who's got the kids?"
"Oh I just left them to their own devices?"
"Alright miss sarky knickers who's got them?"
She laughed. "Sacha and Essie"
"Good" he hugged her tightly again "I assume Sarah let you in"
"10 out of 10 Sherlock"
"You Mrs Fletcher are too much sometimes" he kissed her deeply
"I'm going to get cleaned up. I'll meet you downstairs in half an hour?"
"Ok" he paused "I love you Jac, thanks for this sweetheart"
Jac's heart clenched. He was devastated,he really did need her
She smiled "love you too Fletcher" both understanding the reference of her saying the same when she was being an awkward patient after the shooting.
"How you doing?" He asked Sarah placing a caring hand on her shoulder
"I'm ok. Hey you didn't know Jac was coming?"
"Not a clue. I would have said"
"She really loves you huh?"
"I think she does yeah. I don't know what I've ever done to get so lucky. She used to be an icy closed book but not now. She came to love Emily too you know"
Sarah smiled "she made everyone love her. I'm lost Fletch. I don't know how I'm going to get through this"
Fletch hugged her. This was hard for him he couldn't imagine what Sarah was feeling. I mean he'd nearly lost Jac so many times but she always pulled through
"Why don't you come to stay with us for a while after the funeral?"
They both turned to see Jac in the doorway
"If you're sure. It would be nice to be round people who really knew and loved her"
"That's settled then. Any coffee going?"
The funeral was predictably a beautiful and emotional affair.Sarah had asked Fletch to say a few words. He found just the right balance between amusing and heartfelt and spent the last two minutes of it with tears streaming down his face.
Later that night Jac was lying in his arms
"Thanks for today"
"Fletch" she leant up on her elbows to face him "you are always there for me, the kids, your nurses. It's about time someone was there for you and that someone is always going to be me"
He stroked her arms sensually. She sighed softly
"So no chance of me shaking you off anytime soon then?" He asked, hands moving under her pyjama vest top
"Not a chance Fletcher" she breathed
Two days later they were back at the airport with Sarah
"Are you sure this is ok ?" She asked them both
"Of course" Jac said
"You're family"Fletch added

The End

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