Telling Johnny

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Over the next few weeks Fletch persuaded Jac to stay on a number of occasions but she never stayed more than one night and tried not to get too involved in the Fletcher family dramas
One morning at work Jac seemed miles away. Unable to concentrate.
Nicky and Fletch were talking to her and she was obviously not listening They glanced at each at other
"So new initiative to save money- as I've been watching people operate all these years they've said I can do it by myself" Fletch said winking at Nicky
"What do you think Jac?"
"Mm? Oh yes whatever you think"
Fletch and Nicky tried not to giggle
"I think they're closing the ED as well. Connie Beauchamp is coming up here"
"Right. Sorry what?!"
"Welcome back Ms Naylor" Nicky smirked only to be met by the Naylor death stare. She hurried off.
"Come on then tell old Fletch what's wrong"
"Come to my office in 5 minutes"
Dutifully Fletch knocked on her door 5 minutes later
"Hi. You gonna tell me what's got you so distracted?"
"He's picking Emma up later and I need to tell him about us and he wants an answer about me going to the wedding. I'm worried about his reaction and how that will affect Emma"
"I'm not being funny Jac but he didn't seem to give a flying....when he told you he was getting married accompanied by a photo of your daughter in a bridesmaid's dress"
"I know but I don't want her to get caught in the cross fire. If he starts being obstructive. You're the first person I will be telling him about"
He held her shoulders and tried to understand "I'll be there you know, if you go to the wedding"
"I know"she said quietly "and we'll babysit. I still think it's weird - I would never ask him to attend our erm I mean my wedding" Jac blushed at her mistake which she was sure Fletch would have noticed
He had but decided not to mention it though it gave him a warm glow inside
"What time's he coming over? I could be there"
"Would you? Bit of moral support wouldn't go amiss"
"No problem" he took her in his arms "now can you get your head back in the game or I shall be forced to call Mrs Beauchamp to take over"
"Over my dead body"
Fletch called round to Jac's straight after work
"Don't look so worried it will be fine"
When the doorbell rang Fletch said "I'll get it, might as well take the bull by the horns so to speak" so smiling Fletch opened the door
"Hi Fletch" Emma said as if it was the most natural thing in the world to find him opening the door at Jac's
"Hey monkey " he ruffled her hair affectionately
"Johnny. Are you coming in?"
"Ok. Where's Jac? You babysitting? She can't even be bothered to be home for her daughter coming home"
"Slow down. Firstly I'm not baby sitting and Jac is in the kitchen"
"So what are you doing here?"
Fletch just looked at him and raised his eyebrows
"Oh. Really? You and Jac?" Johnny laughed "good luck with that mate when she rips your heart out and tosses it in the gutter"
"Not this time" Jac said entering the room
"Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see. I don't fancy your chances" Johnny addressed Fletch
"I think my chances are looking pretty good, oh and by the way we would both be delighted to attend your wedding" he said putting his arm round Jac's shoulder
And Emma will be our number one priority on the day"
"Haven't you got millions of kids" Johnny asked Fletch "how much of a priority is Emma for you?"
"She has the same priority as my other four when she's at my house and she has a fabulous time"
"Ready made family for you then Jac?
She rolled her eyes
"Bye then Johnny"
Once he'd gone  Fletch turned to Jac
"You ok?"
"Yeah I really am. You?"
"I am. What did you make of Johnny's comment about a ready made family?"
"Well he's right isn't he"
"I know that being part of a family is not what you're used to. I'm quite a lot to take on"
"Bit late now Fletcher. I have taken you on and I couldn't be happier"
"Me too"

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