You're sure?

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On the way home Theo was full of it
"You had a good time then mate"
"I had fun. I wish I could play with Emma all the time. I told Jac that you should get married so that Emma can come and live at our house and we could play all the time"
"What did Jac say?" Fletch asked trying to sound nonchalant
"Oh she said you weren't going to get married and you were just good friends"
"Right, right yes that's true we are good friends"
"Can we ask Emma to come over at the weekend?"
"You might be going to Grandma's. I'll check but she's been before course she can come back"
Fletch rang Jac when the kids were in bed
Hi it's me
Theo told me that he told you we should get married so that he can play with Emma all the time but apparently we're just friends
I panicked
The thought of being with me long term makes you panic?
Fletch I was put on the spot. We need to decide what we're going to tell them.
Jac you are sure about this. I mean I haven't forgotten your reservations for not giving this a chance
Now listen Fletcher. I know what I said and I think they're still reasonable concerns but I love you too much not to give it a try and work out the problems
There was a long pause
Sorry. You love me too much not to try?
Well, yes
Can you feel the hug I'm sending down the phone
She smiled despite herself
How did I end up with someone so corny
Oh you're just naturally lucky I guess. Anyway my kids are away on Saturday night can you get something sorted for Emma
Yes she's going to Ken and Barbie's
Fletch laughed
Yes. She's definitely Barbie so that makes him Ken
Ok. Plastic with no genitals
Well if the cap fits. What do you want to do on Saturday?
Dinner? A take away?
I fancy a takeaway. Just us
Sounds amazing. Anyway goodnight sweetheart
Night Fletch
Saturday morning arrived and Johnny collected Emma. Luckily he didn't ask about Jac attending his wedding. Fletch was also waving his kids off early.
"Right Jac Naylor" he said to himself. Prepare to be romanced"
He rang her after the kids had gone
Hi it's me. I'm free. Has Emma gone ?
Yes just
Is Sacha in?
"Yeah still in bed.
I'm going to pop over and then I'm taking you for breakfast
Ok see you soon
Jac finished putting her make up on musing that she'd never been this happy, hating herself for being so soppy
Fletch arrived 20 minutes later with a bunch of yellow roses
"How did you know they are my favourite?" She kissed him on the cheek "thank you"
"Erm well I think that you mentioned it last valentine's day when you had a tirade about red roses, romance, love and all that crap. And anyway who wants red roses when you could have beautiful yellow ones"
"Sounds like me" she laughed arranging them in the vase
He hugged her from behind  "even then I didn't believe a word of it"
She turned round and kissed him deeply.
"Now I was promised breakfast"
"Urgh" Fletch groaned at her breaking the kiss
"Come on then, let's make the most of our day"

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