Telling Sacha

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The holiday was over all too soon. On the last night they all went out for tea
"Mummy haven't we all been good this holiday?"
"Yes baby you have"
"So are we going to all live together when we get home?"
Jac glanced at Fletch who gave her a subtle wink but then seemed to be holding in a laugh
"That's something we need to talk about at home"
"What's all this?" Asked Evie on behalf of her and Mikey
"The little ones want us all to live together when we get home so they can play 24/7" Fletch explained
"Oh is that all" said Mikey "thought you were getting married or something. Yeah I think I could cope living with Jacula"
"Mate" exclaimed Fletch
"I've told you dad she loves it"
"Michael's right Fletch. I think it's a cool nickname"
"Michael?" Fletch guffawed as Mikey looked furious but soon all 7 of them were falling about
God this is what it's all about, thought Fletch as he wiped away tears of laughter. He looked over at Jac who was doing the same. Tears of laughter from Jac Naylor!
Jac looked at Emma. Happy and confident and loved. So unlike her own childhood and now the chance of a whole new family who welcomed them both unconditionally.
Jac took Emma back to their house after they landed.
"But mummy...." Emma complained at the airport
Fletch bent down so he was on Emma's level
"Darling don't worry, I promise me and your mum will have a chat about what you, Theo and Ella have said but right now you need to check on uncle Sacha and I need to go home and wash 5 sets of dirty clothes" he pulled a yak face which made Emma giggle
"Give us a hug then and I'll see you soon"
Emma placed her small arms round Fletch's neck
"Ok. See you soon"
Fletch kissed Jac on the cheek "and I'll see you soon too"
Jac's body tingled. How could he make that phrase suggestive and sexy.
Jac and Emma were home shortly after
"Hi" shouted Sacha from upstairs.
Things were getting better for Sacha but she wasn't sure she wanted to leave him on his own yet. She hadn't discussed that with Fletch.
"Baby go and unpack your case please and tell uncle Sacha I have the kettle on"
Sacha came down shortly after and he and Jac sat in the kitchen
"Good holiday?"
"Yes it was lovely"
"And everybody got on?"
"Amazingly well actually"
"You look happy Jac"
"Do I?" She blushed "well yes I am, it's quite alien for me"
Sacha chuckled. They both knew he'd witnessed the various train wrecks of Jac's  love life
"We've  been talking about living together" Jac looked nervously at Sacha, examining his face for true reaction
He gave her a genuine smile "that sounds like a great idea"
"You think?"
"Jac"  he said covering her hand with his "you and Fletch are, what do the youngsters say, end game? I've known you for a long time and I have never seen you like this. Go for it"
"What about you?"
"What about me?"
"Well I made you come and live with me so I could look after you. Keep an eye on you"
Sachs sighed "Darling, you can't put your life on hold for an old fool like me"
"You are my best friend not an old fool...well sometimes you're an old fool but you're still my best friend" she smiled "I worry about you"
"I'm doing well with the counselling and Frieda's got me on the punchbag. We're kind of helping each other - she's having a rough time"
"I know" said Jac sadly "almost feel a bit guilty for being happy"
"You're joking right? After the year you've had?"
"Fletch was there for every bit of it though Sach"
"That's as maybe but you've had more than you fair share of crap"
"Well then I'm living proof that people can get through it"
"Jac. Go and live with Fletch. Your life is there now. I might stay here rather than go back to mine if that's ok"
"Absolutely and I will be making spot checks on the look out for wet towels on the bathroom floor Levy"
"Oh well I'd better watch my step then"
Jac stood up behind him and hugged him tightly.
"I'll always be there for you"
"I know hun"
Later Jac rang Fletch to tell him about the  conversation she'd had with Sacha
She sighed heavily
Just feel like I need a hug now
Aw sweetheart I wish I was there
Me too

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