Back at work

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The next two weeks were absolute torture for Jac. Forced to take time off work and under strict orders not to lift a finger at home. She was going stir crazy
Fletch would pop home for lunch if he had time which at least broke the day up.
One day she was lying on the sofa reading a medical journal whilst Fletch was making a sandwich.
Suddenly Jac felt a kick.
"Well hello baby" Jac smiled "Fletch" she shouted over the noise of the radio
He came running in "what? What is it? Is something wrong"
"No" Jac laughed "baby Fletcher is having a little kick"
She took his hand and placed it on her tummy where she'd just felt the kick
They stayed there for a couple of minutes and then sure enough the baby kicked.
Fletch jumped up in surprise "wow" he laughed "does it hurt"
"Not yet. When they're bigger it's a bit uncomfortable and it's no fun when they use your bladder as a trampoline" Jac laughed
"Haven't you done this four times before?"
"Well yeah but not with you. You're amazing" he kissed the top of her head
"Hey so, you referred to the baby as baby Fletcher. Is he or she going to be a Fletcher?"
"Er well I just assumed but he or she can be a Naylor if you would prefer"
"No, no that's not what I meant, little baby Fletcher sounds perfect to me especially after we get married"
"Us getting married has almost slipped my mind" Jac said sheepishly
Fletch knelt down next to her and took her hands in his "You still want to though?" He searched her eyes
"Course I do you fool" she put her lips to his knuckles "it's just this little one is kinda taking all my attention at the minute"
"And that's how it should be. We can get married anytime sweetheart"
He leant forward and kissed her chastely
Soon the longest two weeks of Jac's life were over and she was finally going back to work
"I'm not happy about this" Fletch said whilst they were eating breakfast and making packed lunches
"Are we really having the same conversation again?"
"Look I know you're worried Fletch but I will go certifiably crazy if I stay home idle anymore. You know what work is to me - it's not just a job" she paused " before you, before this it was my life. I'm not an idiot Fletch I won't be doing long surgeries or anything stupid. You need to trust me"
Fletch sighed heavily "of course I trust you but do you know how many hours I have spent sitting by your bed worrying that you might not live. I'm ecstatic that you're having my baby but christ Jac I can't even think about losing either of you"
"Fletch" she said with tears in her eyes "you're not going to lose either of us" she laid her hand on his forearm "now shut up and make the sandwiches" she squeezed his forearm and with that one small gesture she felt him relax
It was nice to know that she could calm him when usually it was the other way round.
Jac walked onto the ward confidently
"Welcome back Ms Naylor. Hope you had a nice holiday" Cameron said
Jac turned and glared "get my coffee order fontleroy"
She was pleased to be back but junior doctors just irritated her
30 minutes later she had poured the coffee away as the smell made her feel sick
The knock on her door heralded Fletch's arrival
"I haven't moved out of this chair since I got here" she snapped
He held his hands up in surrender
"Ok, ok. Just a friendly visit and to tell you Becky's back in"
"Do you want me to get you a coffee or anything?"
"No thanks. If we're keeping score, in addition to yoghurt and bananas, I no longer drink or can stand the smell of coffee. Another one of my few pleasures that your baby has taken away from me"
"Right I know when it's time to retreat, I'll see you later"
"Bye" she said begrudgingly
Later that morning Jac was reviewing notes and came to Becky
Jac held her tongue
"Becky. What brings you back here?"
"Apart from Fletch you mean" she giggled
Jac rolled her eyes "yes apart from Fletch"
"Where is he and his buns of steel?"
"I have absolutely no idea. Back to your symptoms?"
"I heard a rumour he was seeing someone"
"I heard a rumour he was seeing you Jackie"
"You shouldn't listen to rumours Becky although on this occasion it is true"
"Oh my god" she lowered her voice "so is it a sordid little affair all linen cupboards and on call rooms"
Jac was getting really sick of this conversation
"If by sordid you mean are we living together, are we engaged and are we having a baby together then yes it's sordid"
Becky and Nicky McKendrick who was standing with Jac both stared at her with open mouths
"Usual bloods Dr McKendrick and do close your mouth"
"Yes Ms Naylor. Sorry. You're having a baby?"
"Yes I am so can we just get on now please"
Jac walked away smiling to herself. Becky could lust after Fletch's buns of steel all she liked but it was her that got to see them unclothed. I mean Becky had a definite point.
Well the pregnancy secret was well and truly out now if Becky knew.
Later Fletch was taking Becky's obs
"So I hear you got Jackie up the duff you dirty dog"
"Where did you hear that" he asked not wanting to implicate himself unnecessarily
"From the horses mouth"
"Well then you know. What else did she say?"
"Oh just that you're living together and are planning to get married "
Fletch couldn't hide his grin
"God you're really smitten aren't you"
"I really never stood a chance did I?" She laughed
"Nope" he laughed too
"Oh well. Good luck and all that"
Fletch decided to venture back into Jac's office shortly after. He found her lying on the sofa
"Hey everything ok" he said worriedly
"I'm just taking 5 minutes Fletch. Thought you'd be pleased"
"I am" he flopped down next to her "am I still in the firing line for what my baby is doing to you"
She looked up at him and started laughing
"Sorry for being a cow" she said tears of laughter rolling down her cheeks
"And now apparently you're hysterical" he wrapped his arms round her.
"Hysterical?!" She started to berate him but he silenced her with a kiss which she didn't resist.

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