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A week later Jac was doing paperwork in her office.
Rubbing her swollen belly as another round of Braxton hicks hit her.
Maybe she should be considering leaving work soon
The familiar knock broke her train of thought
"Come in Fletch"
"Hey I'm going for lunch did you want anything?"
Jac continued to rub her belly
"Not really hungry"
"Braxton hicks again?"
"Yeah I had blissfully blocked the memory of these"
"Are you sure it's Braxton hicks?"
That earned him a derisory look. Classic Naylor
"Whoa ok. I'm going" he laughed
By the end of the afternoon it was starting to become apparent to Jac that the Braxton Hicks were in fact contractions. They were more regular and getting more painful.
She knew Fletch would be picking Theo up from crèche and Emma up from school so she didn't call him immediately
She picked up her phone
"Sacha it's me"
"Hi Jac"
"What time are you off?"
"About half an hour"
"Do you have plans tonight?"
"Meal for one and a David Attenborough"
"I need you to do me a massive favour"
"00kkay" he said tentatively
"I need you to go to our house and take care of 5 kids whilst I go and give birth to their brother "
"You serious? You're in labour"
"Yes Sacha. I need you to tell Fletch to get my hospital bag and meet me in maternity"
"Oh my god. Of course darling. Are you ok"
"I'm fine just look after my family"
"Your family?" Sacha smiled
"Yes Sacha my family"
"Ok . Let me know how things go"
Jac hung up. Sacha was right that was possibly the first time she'd ever referred to the people she lived with as her family.
Jac turned off her computer and made her way slowly down to the maternity unit.
"Jac Naylor, I'm booked in. I'm 37 weeks, I'm having regular contractions every 2 minutes"
Jac enjoyed the shocked look on the midwife's face
"Ms Naylor let's get you gowned up and examined"
Fletch got home with Emma and Theo to find Sacha at his house
"Hey. Jac's not back until later"
"Fletch - Jac's in labour. She asked me to come and look after everyone whilst you get her hospital bag and go and meet her in maternity"
Fletch stood speechless.
"Fletch!" Said Sacha "Go or you're going to miss the birth of your son"
"Shit right, I'm going. I'm going"
Fletch raced to the hospital hoping he wasn't too late. He'd missed Theo's birth because he had separated from his wife and he didn't want to miss this.
Breathless he crashed onto the maternity unit
"Jac Naylor?"
"Fletch" said one of midwives who he knew "she's through here"
She led him into a room where Jac was pacing around
"You took your time Fletcher"
"Well I raced here as soon as I got home and Sacha told me"
"Why didn't you call me?"
He was now following her round rubbing her lower back
"Because, genius, you would have been driving and picking up Theo and Emma and the last thing I wanted was to ring you and tell you I was in labour and you crash the car in shock, so I organised Sacha to go to ours and got myself down here. Satisfied?" she paused "Sorry"
"Hey come on it's ok. I'm here now"
"He's early Fletch"
"3 weeks is nothing and he's healthy. Try not to think about Emma's traumatic start in life"
"Oh god Fletch how did we get ourselves in this mess?"
"You're asking for an anatomy lesson now?"
"You know what I mean. Five kids already between us. And I'm old Fletch"
"You're not that old Jac. It's us, we'll cope. We've got through much worse"
"I hate it when you're right Fletcher. Owww"
The midwife entered at that point
"Right Ms Naylor I need to examine you"
Fletch helped her onto the bed
"Well you're fully dilated. Are you ready to have this baby because with the next contraction you need to push"
"Have you had any pain relief Jac?" Asked Fletch
"I've had enough pain killers to last me a lifetime I can do this Fletch"
"Ok sweetheart just tell me what you need"
He offered his hands and when the next contraction came over her and she pushed with all her might and squeezed his hands so tightly he thought she would break his fingers.
After only 20 minutes  the midwife told them she could see his head
"Ok I think one more push and you're going to meet your son"
One final push and he was out. Ominously quiet, he was whisked over to the neo natal paediatrician who was in the room
"What's happening what's wrong" said Jac
"He's just getting checked over"
"Why isn't he crying"
Then Luc let out a lusty wail and Jac and Fletch laughed with relief and kissed each other chastely.
Luc was brought over and laid on Jac's chest
"Although he's a little early he's absolutely fine" the paediatrician said "he won't need the special care baby unit at all"
"Thank you" Fletch said and then turned to Jac
"How you doing?"
"Tired, sore" she pulled a face "but it's all worth it just look at him"
Fletch stared at their son speechless
"You want a cuddle from your daddy?" She passed Luc to Fletch
"Hello little man. I don't care what your mummy says we'll have you playing for England one day. And I'm going to tell you all about your uncle Raf who you're named after"
Fletch had tears in his eyes. Happiness mixed with the sadness he still felt over the loss of Raf
"I'm going to give you back to mummy now whilst I go and ring your brothers and sisters to tell them that you're here"
He raised questioning eyebrows at Jac who nodded in agreement taking the baby back in her arms
"I'll be back very soon" he kissed Jac and Luc on the forehead and left to phone home.

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