There for you

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One evening Fletch came home late. Exhausted from a day trying to conjure extra staff out of nowhere and helping out in the ED following a motorway pile up.
Jac was already home and even though they'd been living together for a few weeks now, he still got a little buzz putting his key in the lock knowing she would be inside.
"Hey I'm home" he called
"I'm in the kitchen" came Jac 's voice
When Jac moved in she did not cook. She famously told Evie that she didn't cook turkey but provided an environment where turkey could be cooked. Being brought up by his mum after Stephen bailed meant that Fletch was taught how to cook and he had started to teach his older kids. And now he was teaching Jac
"Mmm something smells good"
He stood behind her and placed a kiss on her neck
"Well I'm having a bash at Spag Bol like you showed me"
"The great Jac Naylor cooking for us all"
"It's not rocket science Fletch, I just never had a reason to cook before"
She looked at his exhausted face as she turned round
"Tough day?"
"Absolutely crappy but you know what it's so much better having someone to come home to. Correction having you do come home to"
"Soppy git" she retorted but was smiling "want to tell me about it?"
"Not really hun. How was your day?"
"Oh peachy. This was on the door mat when I came in"
Jac showed him the wedding invitation
"Why are you so pissed off with Johnny for getting married?"
"Ok here's the thing"she said sitting on his knee
"I love you and I love this" she gestured around her "I know Emma loves her Dad and she has to see him but I wish this was all she needed. I'm being incredibly selfish by saying I want her here all the time and I can't handle the thought of her calling someone else Mummy. And it's weird to invite your ex to your wedding, don't you think?"
Fletch blushed
"Fletch you didn't!"
"Well I 'm sorry, I was quite popular in my youth and I always stayed friends with them"
"Course you did - you're irresistible you aren't you" she said sarcastically
"Johnny inviting you is weird but we need to be there for Emma"
"You're right but it's going to be super awkward. Johnny's mother absolutely despises me and she does sometimes take it out on Emma so if the choice is me being awkward or leaving Emma with that witch. No contest"
"It's going to be fine. I'll be right by your side" he kissed her briefly
"I'm going for a quick shower" be walked away whistling and there it was . Fletch had calmed her down without even really trying.
She wondered how calm he'd be when she told him what she'd found out today.

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